Chapter Twenty-Two

Ms. Taladut tried to relieve the cramp in her legs, but the tiny space didn't allow it. She closed her eyes and slowed her breathing. She didn't know how long she'd been there. It felt like she always been there, under her desk.

She'd worked very hard at not taking her humiliation out on the children. She knew they didn't like her. What they didn't know was she was doing her best, just out of her depth. It was so easy to have an opinion. Even more tempting to act on it. Before she knew it she'd become a raging lunatic abusing teachers and terrifying the children. She should have quit, but somebody had to do the administration. Maybe she could fix it.

She'd seen Ryley arguing with a boy on the school yard. It didn't look like a big deal, but it was an opportunity.

"Ryley," she said, "Tell me what's wrong."

"Angry," Ryley had said, "Not stupid."

"Nathan," she said to the other boy, pleased she remembered his name. "Tell me what's wrong."