Chapter Twenty-Nine

Leigh woke with tears in her eyes. She'd been dreaming of Ryley. Instead of the boy, he'd come as a wolf to sit outside her window. She didn't know why she was sure the wolf was Ryley, but she'd run outside in her bare feet to greet him, but he'd shaken his head and growled. Not a threat, but a warning. That's when she woke feeling his loss again.

Her feet ached as if she really had been running in the snow. Leigh slid her feet into slippers and wandered through the house. The walking slowly reduced the ache. Walking past the kitchen window she couldn't stop herself from peeking through the window out into the night. The snow had stopped and the moonlight broke through the clouds. A car sat across the street she didn't recognize. She thought there was someone sitting in it, but it was hard to tell. Then, just as she decided it was worth telling Jim about the car started up and moved on.