Chapter 63: Learning A New Path

Rodrigo untangled himself from Milene and splashed water on his face. The moon had risen making the world black and white.

"I used to see everything this way." Rodrigo stretched and shook his head.

"What was that?" Milene sat up and tilted her head.

"Just thinking how I once saw everything as either white or black. But it's hard to walk in that world. When I started seeing greys, life became easier, yet the temptation to accept everything as just another shade of grey..." He shuddered.

She rose to her feet in an easy motion, then came and wrapped her arms around him. 

"Grandmother said there is no absolute moral code, but to believe there is no moral code at all is to lose one's humanity."

"She always liked that philosopher, can't remember his name, or maybe I've blanked it out after being forced to read all his works. Perhaps if I read them now, they'd make more sense."

"An educated man." Milene nibbled at his ear. "I like that."