Chapter 69: Mist And Ghosts

"Fassvin Dolmen's?" Rodrigo rubbed his forehead. "What on earth would she want with that place?"

"Maybe looking for something?" Milene crouched near the fire watching the tubers she'd found for supper. "After all, the Lovers Cup was hidden in an out of the way creepy place." The Cup buzzed at her words.

"That's because I hid it there." Rodrigo stretched and tried to relax the tightness in his gut. "Even then it wasn't good enough, and the cup almost destroyed the whole tribe." The Cup sent him a moan which set his teeth on edge. Not your fault, you don't get to choose how someone uses you. The Cup retreated, leaving a sigh in its place.

"Come on, supper's ready." Milene dragged the tubers out with a stick. "Hardly fine dining, but it will fill our bellies."

Rodrigo cut into the thing with his knife and mechanically ate the mostly tasteless root. Milene stayed silent as they ate. She sat beside him until the sky darkened, and they climbed under their blankets.