
Chapter 19: Landfall Part 5

"Of course," Cal said, "you're good company when you aren't trying to make me into a lady."

Pentam stood and offered her his arm. Cal stood, arranged her satchel on her shoulder then took his arm. The scientists winked at him, then turned back to their meal.

The manager led them outside and pointed out a man with a two-seater cart.

"Joliu will take good care of you."

Pentam handed Cal up into the seat then clambered in after her.

Joliu took off without instruction, so Pentam figured Cal or the manager had already given instructions to the man. The way he kept a steady pace up and down hills impressed Pentam. He'd be out of puff [KB1]walking, never mind jogging and pulling a cart.

The crowds edged out of their way. Once Joliu stopped to let a carriage pass. They arrived in a broad square filled with tents covering a bewildering variety of people selling an astonishingly diverse set of goods. There were things he could see immediately he would struggle to find in the capital city. Maybe it was the advantage of being a major stopping point for shipping to the west and south.

They wove through the market until Joliu pulled up in front of a store with a wooden front on the edge of the square.

"This is the store, Lady Cal."

"Thank you, Joliu. I may be a while. Find shade and water to drink while you wait."

"Yes, Lady Cal."

Pentam helped her off the cart then held his arm out.

"Lady Cal?" He looked sideways at her and caught her blushing.

"It's easier to let them call me what they will. I would only insult them by arguing."

"You'll have to tell me about it sometime." Pentam opened the door for her, then followed her into the shop. "But it suits you."

"Welcome, welcome." An old man bustled out from the back of the shop, bowing and smiling, stopping Cal from replying. "What may I interest you in?"

"Dresses, hats, scarves." Cal looked around the shop running her fingers across the fabrics. She pulled out a blouse in bright colours which would make her look like a jungle parrot. Pentam clamped his lips tight to keep the thought private. He spotted something hanging to one side of the shop, as if it were more decoration than something to be sold.

It resembled an Anglia gown, if one had been made of gossamer and cobwebs, then embroidered over every inch.

"Cal," Pentam pointed to the dress. "I'd love to see you in this."

Cal's eyes widened and she put down the blouse to come inspect it.

"Do you think it would fit me?" She inspected the embroidery with a wistful look on her face.

"Only one way to find out." Pentam couldn't keep the grin from his face. Cal frowned. "You did come looking to buy clothes. Why not buy the best?"

She nodded to herself, but glanced over at the dress, her hands twisted together.

"Señor." Cal turned to smile at the proprietor. "Is there a place I may try this on?"

"Only my humble room in the back, but is not fine enough."

"It will be all right." Cal lifted her chin.

The shopkeeper lifted the dress off its stand and laid it over her arm.

"Please, the back door can be barred, and your man can stand in the door here."

"My thanks." Cal handed Pentam her satchel and disappeared into the back. Pentam stood behind the counter with his back to the short hallway. The shopkeeper wandered through the store looking at his stock as if he'd never seen it before. He nodded a couple of times, but shook his head more.

"Pentam, what do you think? There's no mirror, so I don't know how it looks."

He turned to look and his jaw dropped.

"Good God, you'd set the city on fire in that dress."

"Is that good?" Cal lifted her arm. "I'm really not used to this kind of thing."

"You are beautiful."

"Stop joking around." Cal frowned at him.

"I wish I had my camera, then I could take a picture and show you." Pentam's heart pounded painfully.

"Lady, you are like an angel in my poor shop." The shopkeeper held out a broad brimmed hat. "Try this."

The hat added mystery to beauty. Pentam closed his eyes as if it was painful looking at her.

"That bad, Pentam?" He'd never heard Cal sound so unsure.

"You're like the sun, I can't look too long before I burn to ash."

"Oh, come on, now I know you're teasing."

"Wear that dress back to the hotel and if the rest of the team doesn't fall over themselves when you walk in, I'll eat my hat."

"And if they do?" Cal's voice was soft.

"You let me take your picture to show you."

"I guess I'm buying the dress." Cal looked at the shopkeeper. "How much?"

"For the Lady, three sovereigns." The shopkeeper looked like he was holding his breath. Pentam laughed at the look on the man's face when Cal looked at Pentam.