Captain Cully ordered the Peregrine to slow, then came down to the deck to consult with Sir Shillingsworth. Cal drew them as she listened.
"We can't sail through this stuff; it'll tangle the screw in no time. Won't be stuck out here."
"I have every intention of reporting back to Lord Carroway. This is your ship, Captain Cully. We'll turn north or south from here."
"We turn north then, sail against the current and cover more of the mat."
"North it is." Sir Shillingsworth looked over at Cal. "Call the expedition together and I'll let them know what's decided."
"Yes, Sir." She scampered off to find the other members of the team. The tea had nicely steeped when she returned with Pentam.
"Had to let him finish in the darkroom."
Sir Shillingsworth nodded.