
Chapter 49: Drydock Part 3

"If you can't fix it, you'll have to reinvent it. Every engine's a little different. Stop trying to put the old one back together."

"Captain Cully won't let me do that." Cal rubbed her eyes.

"Do what?" Captain Cully stepped in the room in a set of grubby whites.

"She needs to strip the beast down and build it back her way. You won't get no one who can tell ye how, not here anyway."

"We'd better get to work." Captain Cully stepped back.

"Talk to you later, Monky."

"Why? Help me down there. I'd prefer the smell of the engine room over this place."

Cal left the Captain to help Monky dress and climbed down into the engine room. She prowled through it labeling each pipe and valve and engine part in her mind. When she looked at it as a fresh task, not a repair, Cal could see what she'd do differently. How she might make it more efficient.

The Captain came in and set Monky in the corner on a tool box.
