"Sounds lovely. I'll have to visit sometime."
"Sadly, I don't think it would be wise." Bri met her eyes. "The new emperor is not content with what he has. I don't like it, but no one asks people like me their opinion."
"I see." Cal half grinned. "Until we are officially enemies, I will count you as a friend." The light dimmed as men came into the room.
"Time to go," Jorges said quietly. "The men who came in are trouble. They work as muscle for the gangs, and hire out to take contract work."
"Drink your tea. Laugh a little." Bri put his hand on Cal's arm. "Wait until they sit before you leave. Don't look at them as you leave."
Cal followed his instructions. She got up and slapped Jorges on the shoulder. He groaned and pushed to his feet. On the way out, he waved at the serving girl and she blushed again.
"They're following us, probably plan to jump us in the alley. There may be people waiting there to cut us off."