The original three teams expanded as Cal added a group to design the gondola, another to work on steering and stabilizing mechanisms.
Models of airships crashed in an amazing variety of ways in the Shed. Some lost pressure suddenly, while others hit the ceiling or walls and ruptured the envelope. One got too near a lamp and burst into flame. The envelope and steering teams argued through the days about how to make the craft safer.
Amidst all of this, Patrick called Cal to watch the first test of a prototype engine. It spun up as he fed steam into it until it howled painfully loud. Cal yelled at him to shut it down, but the howl became a scream as it tore itself to pieces. Patrick and Cal came out from where they'd taken shelter to find bits of steel were embedded in the wall, ceiling and floor in a ring around the engine.
"It isn't balanced right." Patrick kicked the table. "As soon as it got up to speed the wobble became destructive."