Chapter 13: Meeting the Underground, Part 1

Trey followed Red through the dank tunnels. They were smooth concrete from what little Trey could see. Red held a light just bright enough to show the path a few feet ahead. His head spun with disconnected thoughts, but every time he tried to sort them out his feet got clumsy and he'd stumble. Red would look back at him and roll her eyes. He didn't know if she was angry or if it was her way of showing pity. Either way he didn't like it. He put his confusion aside and concentrated on following close behind, though that had its own distractions.

Trey was ready to collapse and let Red go on without him when the tunnel joined with a much larger one. An odd looking vehicle waited there - a platform on wheels and a joystick stuck up on the left side with a lamp bolted to the front.

"You will have to hold on," Red said, and Trey jumped. She just smiled as he stared at the bare platform.

"To me, Trey, you will have to hold on to me." She sighed and pushed him toward the platform. "Lie down facing the front. I will lie beside you. You hold on to me. You touch anything red I will push you off and leave you there." She didn't look like she was joking. Trey lay down carefully, and even more carefully wrapped his left arm around her. "A little tighter, I won't break." She gave him a grin again and kissed him on the cheek.

Trey would have loved to say he would never forget that ride, but the sad truth was he fell asleep before they had gone twenty feet. He must have kept his hands off the red, because the next thing he remembered Red was shaking him awake.

"Just a few steps and you can rest."

He managed to climb the few steps and walked through a door into a room. He fell onto a cot in the corner and let the blankness of sleep take him.


Trey was wakened by a firm shake and took a few seconds to review where he was before he studied the person standing in front of him. At least as old as the most senior students at the Reserve, he stood more than a head taller than Trey, and his black clothes fit skintight on a ebony skinned muscular form that would have been the envy of every guy Trey knew.

"Hi, I'm Dan." The stranger held out a huge hand to shake. Trey half expected his hand to be crushed into oblivion, yet Dan's grip was firm, but careful. "I am supposed to get you fed, then show you around."

Trey's stomach made a hopeful twinge and he jumped to his feet. The world went black for a moment and he found himself sitting on the bed again. Not a good start to joining this Underground. I didn't go through all this to make a fool of myself.

"Easy, Trey. I don't want to have to carry you."

Trey tried again, slower and managed to stay on his feet. Dan nodded and walked out. Trey followed him down the steps to the tunnel. The platform on wheels was gone. Dan walked ahead with a lamp Trey hadn't noticed, so he followed quickly. They reached a side path and followed it to a dead end.

"Hello, Dan here, with Red's new recruit."

Trey looked around for who Dan spoke to. The concrete split and two massive doors swung open. Dan led him through and the doors shut silently behind them.

On the other side was a chaos of noise and people. They were all Youngers. The oldest he saw was Harry's age. They dressed in everything from Dan's solid black to outfits making Red's look modest. He almost stumbled a few times as he turned his head to get a better look. Each time, Dan's hand would gently grip his arm and hold him until he had his feet under him again. Trey was grateful the big man didn't say anything.

They hadn't walked far before they came to a handful of tables set in the middle of the pavement. Most had people sitting at them, talking, eating, and waving their hands. Dan led him to an empty table.

"Wait here." He walked into a crowd, which absorbed him, leaving Trey to look around. Lights high up overhead made the space feel outdoors. Trees grew in huge pots. Another level of balconies higher up appeared deserted.

Dan reappeared with a tray of covered dishes. Several others at tables around them had identical trays holding an impressive variety of dishes.

"Eat all you want, but eat slowly. I don't want to clean up any mess." Dan pushed the tray over to Trey.

Trey nodded and started uncovering the array. Remembering the visit at the nameless woman's house he began with soup; then started in on some of the other plates. Just like the pancakes he hardly noticed devouring the rest. He sat back and let out a loud burp.

"Excuse me."

"Ah, don't worry about it." Red slipped into the seat beside him and smiled brightly at Dan.

Dan just sighed.

She nudged him with her elbow. "Dan is a wonderful guy, and all that, but he doesn't talk much. I'm guessing you would like some explanations."

Trey nodded. He liked the warmth of the girl sitting beside him. Somehow it had a different quality than when he sat on crowded benches back at the Reserve. She wore tight blue pants, and a loose translucent shirt. She caught him looking at her.