Chapter 69: Evil Has A Face, Part 1

The empty Council Chamber was furnished in dark oaks and thick carpet. Rich paintings in gold frames adorned the walls.

"This way." Roberta walked to an inconspicuous opening beside a heavy tapestry. It opened at her touch and they walked through.

The Council met in a room painted hospital green. Medical equipment hissed and beeped. Old men and women sat in special chairs around the table. At the end sat a monitor with Councilor Molloy's face. Another monitor with a Councilor's face sat midway. Red wrinkled her nose at the smell in the room.

"It's the stench of fear." Joe walked to where he could be seen by everyone. "Fear is an appalling motivation for making decisions."

"You have no right to be here, Methuselah," one of the men said. "Even your powers stop at that door."

"Not tonight." He walked over to the speaker. "There is treason in the air tonight."

"Yes," one of the women said. "People need to go back to work. If we must we will compel them."