The Feeling (Reese POV)

Reese looked up at Florence as she spoke and couldn't help but lose herself in those bright green eyes. Most of the time, one of them was covered, but now, seeing both of them, Reese thought she was more beautiful than ever. She was slightly zoning out up until Florence paused, "I care for you… as MORE than a friend, Reese. I love you." Reese took a moment to think.

"What? When did yo-" Florence suddenly pulled her in. Her lips were softer than Reese could have imagined. They brushed against her own, finding their way around easily. Reese's heart fluttered in her chest, but only for the moment that Florence's lips touched hers, before they pulled away.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to so badly." Reese sat up straighter, her heart pounded wildly, with no sign of stopping. She brushed her index finger over her lips, where Florence's had once been. She was feeling something, although she couldn't describe it. It was something familiar, almost as if it had been locked away for a long time. She had only felt this way for one other person in her life, Charlie. Reese wanted to be able to understand it again, to remember more about what it was like to feel this way all the time. She would accept it once again, and not run from it as she had before. If what Florence had said before was true, maybe she could be free from the cage Charlie had locked her in.

"It's fine… I think I might feel the same way." Reese said before leaning to kiss Florence back. Florence wrapped her arms around Reese, tight enough to keep balance, but loose enough so that Reese could pull away if she so wished it. Reese's heartbeat quickened as they continued to kiss. She could feel Florence's lean frame against her own, her hands unconsciously slipping under Florence's shirt. Florence flinched for a moment before allowing her to continue. Reese held her hand against Florence's smooth, muscular stomach, before sliding up to her chest. Florence's every touch washed over her like a wave of warmth, and the taste of her alone silenced Reese's thoughts. It felt as if time had stopped, and there was no one else in the world other than them. Florence's sweet vanilla scent was almost hypnotic as their lips continued to interlock. Reese curled her toes in anticipation as her hand kept rubbing gently against Florence's chest, when her watch began to beep once again. The rhythmic but annoying sound stopped them as Reese turned it off, "We should probably head back to class…" She said, checking the time.

"I guess so." Responded Florence, looking slightly disappointed at the thought of ending it.