Chapter 31: The Heronmaster, Part 2

The beak missed. Maybe it was the wind, or Leaper's attempts to swim in the air actually moved him. Perhaps it was luck. He bounced off the beak and dropped past the heron's eye, for a moment Leaper lay on the great bird's back. As it swung its head around to find him, Leaper rolled off and splashed into the water. The water was shallow, but the mud was soft and he buried himself deep. The shudder of the bird's feet landing shook the mud right beside him.

Leaper lay still. His leg throbbed, but he concentrated on not moving, not the slightest twitch. Would the fly's faint buzzing in his stomach betray him? After an eternity, the foot lifted and was placed down further away. Leaper lay in the mud long after the slashing movement of beak through the water told him his egg mate had been devoured. There were so few of them left.

Life was cruel.

Leaper didn't move even when the heron's feet pulled out of the mud.