The kingfishers hunted the fish in the pond, but never again attacked the frogs on the shore. Their small birds grew bigger and eventually vanished from the pond. The frogs ate flies and minnows and anything else that was foolish enough to get too close to them. Flies weren't enough for Leaper anymore, so he hunted mice and other tiny creatures in the woods around the pond. With his white and red head covering and the branch, the other frogs gave him a respect, and a distance, greater than he'd given Old Bull.
Then the herons arrived and everything changed again.
Leaper expected the single heron that came each year. But this year the trees filled with herons. They stalked through the water eating fish and frog with impunity. The herons wouldn't be scared by Leaper's head covering. Yet again, the frogs cowered under whatever safety they found. The only freedom was found at night when the herons slept.