"Now you can talk to each other, for as long as you live. So, you may have all the words you need, I've given you the human's language. You may not find it a blessing." She walked away and left the two alone.
Leaper turned and looked at the heron.
"I am Leaper." He leaned on his branch, spear his mind corrected him.
"Spearbeak" the heron stretched tall and spread his wings.
"Why did you herons come in such numbers to my pond?"
"It was safe," Spearbeak said.
"A fish almost ate one of your flock last summer."
"Scratchlegs," Spearbeak said. "He told us of his battle."
"He won," Leaper said.
"He escaped," Spearbeak said, shaking her head. "If he'd won, he'd have eaten fish for a lifetime."
"We called it Leviathan," Leaper sat on a rock. "A giant creature came and caught it after a long fight and dragged it off into the woods."
"A human." The heron fell silent for a long time. "I wondered when I saw the hat you wore."
Leaper put his hand to his head.