When he came into the house, he carried a box with an ice cream maker. Sherry squealed and hugged him and we had to immediately make some ice cream. Fortunately, I'd bought fresh milk and cream as a treat and had it in a cooler all day. It had to set overnight, so Sherry went off to bed talking about ice cream for breakfast.
"I'll pick up the cattle tomorrow," Bubba said, "and there should be some fertilizer delivered for me as well. I'm a recluse, but some of the world leaks in. That should be a big enough boom."
"I'm sorry about the truck," I said.
"So am I, but if we'd dealt with the frogs earlier, it wouldn't have been necessary." He sighed deeply. "It's just a truck, but it is the first really modern thing I've made for myself."
"We can build another one," I said and kissed him. One thing led to another and we ended up in bed early, though we got to sleep late.
Sherry woke us in the morning with ice cream.