Chapter 30

"So what exactly are you?" Rickard was crouched over Marilyn while the rest of the team chuckled and postured. "Maybe it's time to find out." He put out his hand like a surgeon and one of the others put something in his hand. I really hoped John Wayne kept that camera pointed the right way.

"That's right, Rickard," I said, "You just have to see, don't you?" Six pairs of eyes whipped around to focus on me.

"What are you doing here?" one boy asked.

"What you are doing is the bigger question," I said. "That duct tape makes this a criminal act."

"Nah, we're just having some fun," Rickard said, "aren't we, Marilyn?" He waved his hand at Marilyn and I could see nem trying to lean further back. While I was watching Marilyn, another boy - the biggest of the bunch grabbed my arm.

"You have to leave," he said. "This is the boys' locker room."

"Then Marilyn comes with me," I said, "this is no place for a girl."

"How do we know it's a girl?" Rickard said.