Chapter 27

"Computers are old news." Babs sat down in front of Marilyn's laptop. "Most of the interesting stuff is done with cell phones now. Every year we get some bozo hacking into computers in the women's dorms and activating web cams in hopes of getting their rocks off. Stupid when you think of it. How much time do you spend naked in front of the computer?" She typed a few commands into things Marilyn had never seen. "I've disabled the webcam and microphone for you. If someone breaks through that, you have a serious issue. Call me and we'll track them down and explain some facts of life to them."

"What about your computer?" Marilyn asked after Babs left.

"Babs has already been through it and she'll look at Birungi's as well."

"Where did you meet her?" Marilyn asked.

"Old girlfriend," Anna said. "We went to school together."

"I'm glad you're still on speaking terms. So I can work on my essay in peace. Whoopee."

Anna laughed and left.