Chapter 33

"These are the people who sent you here, but now they are the people who may have to send you home. This is where it gets serious." Carl walked away from the mic and Gordon took over.

"There are tables around the edge of the room." Gordon's voice had a pleasant twang to it. "Your name tags are on those tables laid out in alphabetical order. Find your name tag. On the back of the name tag will be the judge who will be your coach for the next five days. They are going to work to make you look and sound your best. The rest of us will be trying to make you look bad. Go now and find your name then follow your coach to your practice room."

Marilyn headed for a middle table then worked her way around to find her tag. It had a shot of her looking triumphant center stage. A glance at the tags beside her showed similar pictures. On the back of the tag she saw Even Odds' name and his picture. This should be interesting