Chapter 35

A shower in her room left her buzzing with energy. She decided to go to the practice room and check out some of the gear.

The drum set was the biggest she'd ever seen. Marilyn sat on the stool and picked a song in her head. Her hands began slow with the basic beat, then added some of the riffs Bo taught her. She added more and more rhythm, pushing to find her limit on this immense set.

"Not bad." Even leaned in the doorway. "I wondered who was playing with my gear."

"I haven't played since my teacher died," Marilyn said.

"Well, then, let's give him a proper send off." Even sat at the piano and started playing. Marilyn laid down the rhythm. Like Crysta and her guitar, she followed Even's line and worked to make him sound good. They went through several pieces and Even's grin grew wider after each one.