Chapter 52: Cat's Eye

He had better know where he's going, thought Leah, watching the self-proclaimed "scholar and scribe" leading the way. They had made four more turns since the first crossroads-three at two-way forks, and one at a five-way intersection.

She stifled a yawn. Traveling was tiring enough, but a healer's spirit energy needed time to recharge after use. She had gotten little rest since healing Olorus's arm and Justin's leg. She felt like a hollow shell of herself. But the exhaustion was a burden she was willing to carry. Olorus's cut had been deep and would have become critical if untreated, and the blood loss from Justin's wound, a long, jagged cut from shin to knee, might have proven problematic.

Healing was Leah's life's work. Or it had been, back before everything became such a mess. She looked back at Justin at the rear of the procession. His pant-leg was dark with dried blood. "I've never been hurt this badly," he had said, almost in wonder, as she healed him.