Chapter 66: A Galaxy Turning on Its Axis

The demon horse tried frantically to find its footing but could compensate for its missing rear leg. But the weight of its giant rider was too much. There was an audible snap as one of its other back legs broke under the pressure, and its whole body toppled sideways. The cythraul attempted to dismount, but it was too late. Horse and rider both tumbled sidelong and fell into the bay. They sank beneath the water's surface, leaving only a horse's severed leg on the dock and a tall warrior standing over it, flames dancing across his longsword.

"Ahlund!" shouted Justin.

Ahlund strode toward them. Black demon blood was splattered across the thick stubble on his jaw. He said nothing, only gestured toward the ship and began covering their escape by pouring gallons of liquid fire onto the charging coblyns.