The two armies kept their distance from one another-four thousand men and women of the League, and two thousand Enden soldiers. At the center, Leah Anavion, Olorus Antony, Hook Bard, and Marcus Worth convened around a fire.
Olorus tossed another armful of kindling into the flames. "I don't understand it," he said, sitting back down. "The League fights demon fleets and armies in the Raedittean. And we receive reports of even worse devastation in the east. Now, you say they're coming out of the west, as well! Is the Oikoumene surrounded?"
"I tell you only what I have seen with my own eyes," said Worth.
Leah shifted uncomfortably. Worth's account was all too familiar. He told of armies of coblyns behaving as soldiers, and though Worth and his men had never heard the word "cythraul" before, they described monstrous demon giants leading the invasion of Endenholm.