"Abandons his...!"
"A Ru'Onora who betrays or deserts the order does so with the understanding that they must never again return to these lands, or use the aurym power of a Ru'Onorath weapon for personal gain. For both of these offenses, the penalty is death. And of both of these offenses, Ahlund's guilt is in abundance."
"You're not a Guardian," said Justin.
"I am Kallorn Rhodos," the man said. "And I am a Ru'Onora obeying my orders."
For a few moments, Justin focused on just putting one foot in front of the other. There was a weariness, almost a sense of lament in the man's speech that seemed to Justin too deep to be a deception.
"You're making a mistake!" Justin said. "Ahlund brought me here because he thinks-"