Chapter 162: Innocen

As Cimon Endrus died, Leah backed away from the edge of the wall, toward the set of stairs that led down through the interior of the guardhouse. The little man followed her as she moved. Lycon had called him Ragny. He had called himself Innocen.

Leah made no sudden movements. She had a sword at her belt, but drawing it would bring this man's speed into play, and she had seen how fast he could move. And his strength. He had kicked Lycon off the side of the building with the ease of a child punting a ball, and the way Endrus's arms had ripped from their sockets...

The pool of Endrus's blood spread across the rooftop. It seemed pointless to try to fight him, but there were guards at the bottom of the stairs and outside the building, on the city-side of the walls. She just had to make it to them.

Leah reached the stairs, placed her shaking hand on the railing, and stepped down backward, keeping her eyes on him as she moved. He followed her slowly.