Chapter 40: Goodbye For Now

"I'm just glad you didn't end up on that list, Mr. Harland," I tell him. "Blue Wreath lost this time, but they don't give up easily. I suggest you hire some extra security around here. Lie low-even lower than before... The funny thing is, you and I almost surely wouldn't be talking right now if not for a certain phone call."

"Ah, yes," says Rutherford, leaning back in his chair thoughtfully. "The anonymous tip that led the police to my boy. You mean you never found out who made the call?"

"Not yet, but when I get to the bottom of it-"

Rutherford wakes a dismissive hand. "I have other people I can ask to look into that. I'm sure it has something to do with the internal politics of this Blue Wreath syndicate. I just cannot believe they would go to such lengths. Killing my family just to get to me."

I swallow hard. "I know the feeling."

"Hmm, yes... I have been thinking. There's something else I would like you to have."

"Mr. Harland, you've already given me a bonus-"