Chapter 16: The Two Genders

Many magical creatures and woods as well as the mystical crystals and metals strengthen and focus spells equally well regardless of whether they are cast by witches or wizards. However, some potential wand components show a distinct preference for either witches or wizards. For example, a wand with a core of unicorn hair strengthens spells cast by witches more than those cast by wizards. Conversely, a wand with a hawthorn handle and shaft will strengthen spells cast by wizards more than witches. This differential ability to strengthen or focus spells based on the gender of the mage is called the magical gender of the wand component: Feminine if it works better for witches, Masculine if it works better for wizards, and both Feminine and Masculine if it works equally well for both.

As shown in the following figure, the alchemical symbol for Feminine is the symbol for the planet Venus: a stylized hand mirror. The alchemical symbol for Masculine is the symbol for the planet Mars: a round shield and a spear.

The Symbols for the Genders Feminine and Masculine

The magical genders associated with parts of magical creatures often depend on the actual gender of the magical creature (for example, succubi are female and incubi are male) that supplied the part or depends on some obvious behavior of the creature (such as unicorn's only trusting young girls). Unfortunately with magical woods, mystical crystals, and mystical metals, determining the appropriate gender(s) is not as obvious and has been determined by centuries of trial and error.

While the individual components of a wand may have specific genders, that does not mean that the wand as a whole has specific genders. It may contain some components that favor witches, some components that favor wizards, and some components that work equally well for both.