Chapter 46: Gryphon Wands

A gryphon wand is any wand that has a small gryphon feather, a sliver of a gryphon's talon, or one or more hairs from a gryphon's tail in its core.



The gryphon (Aquila leo) is a majestic magical creature approximately the size of a horse. Gryphons have the head, wings, and front legs of eagles and the body, hind legs, and tail of lions. Unlike an eagle, the gryphon has prominent ears covered in feathers. Gryphons are carnivores and will hunt deer, wild boar, and have been known to take a farmer's sheep and even cows. While they can be aggressive, they will usually not attack people without provocation.

Native to the Plains of Avalon in the eastern most part of Faerie, they were probably brought to this world through the sunrise portal in Narla Provence. They soon spread across Turkey, Iran, and Afghanistan where they may still be found in relatively small numbers.

Magical Properties and Uses