Chapter 78: Walnut Wands

A walnut wand is any wand that is crafted out of wood from a walnut tree. More specifically, a walnut wand is any wand that has a walnut shaft, a walnut handle, or both.

Walnut Trees

Walnuts are late to grow leaves, typically not until more than halfway through the spring. They also secrete chemicals into the soil to prevent competing vegetation from growing.

Wand makers primarily use wood from the English walnut and Black walnut to craft willow wands:

English Walnut (Juglans regia) is commonly also known as the Common or Persian walnut. In the United States, it is also known as the California walnut because it is commercially grown there.

The English walnut is a large, deciduous tree that reaches from 75 to over 100 feet high, with a trunk up to six feet in diameter. Typical English walnuts have a relatively short trunk and broad crown, but because it needs full sunlight to grow well, it is taller and narrower when competing against other trees in dense forests.