Chapter 92: Garnet Wands

Garnet wands contain one or more garnets: a large one for the wand's end cap, a small one at the wand's tip, or small ones along the wand's length.


Garnets are a family of silicate minerals having the general formula X3Y2(Si O4)3, whereby the X site is usually occupied by divalent cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Fe2+) and the Y site by trivalent cations (Al3+, Fe3+, Cr3+). The deep red transparent gemstone form of garnet, Almandine, is an iron-aluminum garnet with the formula Fe3Al2(SiO4)3. Garnets are mostly mined in Europe, South Africa, Russia, and the United States.

Mystical Properties and Uses

Garnets have the following mystical properties:

Garnet was once called a carbuncle, which comes from the Latin carbo meaning live coal (i.e., burning charcoal). Once, it was also called Almandine, which was a corruption of Alabanda, the region in Asia Minor where garnets were mined. Other names for garnet are Oriental garnet and almandine ruby.
