Chapter 142: Appendix A

Exercise Answers

Section 1

Overview of Magic - Exercise Answers

1. Question: What determines whether one becomes a mage or remains a mundane?

Answer: A mage had his or her magical powers nurtured and developed via teaching and practice, whereas a mundane did not. The difference is largely a matter of luck as to whether one is born into a magical family and raised within the magical community or one was born into a mundane family and never introduced to the magical community.

2. Question: What are the five metaphysical elementals and what are their associated metaphysical planes of existence?

Answer: Air, Fire, Earth, and Water are the four metaphysical elementals of the physical plane of existence. Quintessence (also called Aether) is the fifth metaphysical and resides at the astral plane of existence.

4. Question: What is the strongest elemental, and why it is stronger than the others?