"Steward Alard ain't 'ere, he'd be at Ridgley Manor." The man-at-arms guarding the door to Mellester Manor's great hall blocked access.
Charlotte clutched her head. "Nay, this can't be..."
"Best ye move along."
"When will he return?"
The guard remained silent.
"Please, it's important," she appealed.
He sighed. "On the morrow more'n likely."
"And Reeve Petrus, where is he, I need to speak with him?"
"Aye, well yer see, he'd be gone too."
"Gone? Where has he gone?"
The guard shrugged.
Charlotte was crestfallen. And Cathal was at Ridley Manor too, everyone had gone. She turned to walk away then stopped as an idea came to mind. "Who is governing the manor?"
"Sir Dain, he'd be inside."
"Can ye let me see him? It's about Odo, he needs help," she pleaded.