Chapter 123

Birney Beekman was resourceful; during the night he managed to loosen the bonds that held him and slipped quietly away. No one saw him leave and he left no tracks. When it was discovered that he'd escaped, it was too late, there was nothing anyone could do. Sir Jarin didn't have spare men to go searching for him and it was unlikely he would make a second attempt on Odo's life with no weapons or horse.

When the sun rose, the wagon was returned upright to its normal position and the small group prepared to leave the camp after they moved the reeve. With Cathal fussing, the men-at-arms carefully lifted the reeve and the bed that he lay on, and slowly moved the contraption to the wagon. Petrus groaned and grunted as he was being jostled but otherwise he slept. He was placed on blankets and straw, made comfortable and kept warm. The sun was only just beginning to share its warmth when Sir Jarin gave the order for the group to ride for Mellester Manor. It would be a long slow journey.