Chapter 7

I walked to school with Maegan the next morning, but because of the test, I had no more class to attend. I walked back home and checked the mail system in the study for letters addressed to me. At first, nothing new appeared. But as I turned away from the screen, I heard the metallic ping that meant more letters had just arrived. I glanced over my shoulder.

The subject line read, Third Level Final Exam Scores.

Mere seconds later, the communication port in my ear buzzed. I pressed the button in the center, answering the call, and heard Cas's voice on the other end.

"Did you pass?" he asked.

I laughed a little. "Give me a chance to look," I said and opened the message.

Third Level Student Miranda Bradley, it read, you have surpassed the minimum score on your academy's final exam. You will be moving on to the Training Academy for Fourth-Level Programming and Operation.

"I passed," I said with a sigh. "I'm actually going on to Fourth Level . . . Wait, Cas, how did you do?"

"I passed, too," he said. "See you in Programming and Operation."

"I wonder if everyone else made it."

"I'm sure they did," Cas said. "You heard Kalle yesterday. She wasn't even worried about Tristan."

"Yeah, well, that's Kalle." I laughed. "She's gotten the highest scores in our class since Second Level. She thinks everything's a breeze."

"Maybe we should add them to the call," Cas said.

"Sure, go ahead."

I heard a few background beeps as Cas dialed in their communication port IDs. One by one, they picked up. Kalle, Elen, Shiri, and finally Tristan. I reveled in the familiarity of their voices, hoping I wouldn't lose them in my move to Fourth Level.

"How'd you guys do?" Kalle's voice said.

"You first," I said.

"I passed," Kalle informed everyone. Of course, she didn't sound at all surprised.

"I did, too!" Shiri practically shouted. "I can't believe it! I thought this would never happen!"

"I'm in," Elen said, her voice nearly lost in Shiri's outbursts.

"What about you, Tristan?" Cas asked.

"I didn't pass. Guess I'm staying in Third Level," Tristan said. The line fell silent for a moment before Tristan chimed in again. "Goddamn it, you guys, I was just kidding."

"For the love of the Triad, Tristan," Kalle groaned.

"Miranda and I passed, too," Cas said. For a split second, I felt strange at the idea that he was speaking for me, but the feeling passed as the conversation continued. "We were just talking about it a minute ago. You're all in Programming and Operation, then?"

"Of course," Kalle said. "What else?"

Murmurs of agreement floated across the line.

"When do we start, again?" Tristan asked.

"Next week," Elen said.

"Triad above," Tristan muttered. "That's not enough time off."

"Okay, well, in that case, we'll see each other next week, right?" Shiri asked. "Unless you guys want to do something before then. You know, to make up for what happened yesterday."

What happened yesterday.

I thought back to yesterday and discovered that I did, in fact, remember what had happened. Which wasn't actually a good thing, considering I still wanted to forget it as soon as possible.

"Yeah, let's do that." Cas.

"I didn't get to properly enjoy my food." Tristan.

"Where should we go?" Kalle.

"Maybe we should avoid the plaza." Elen.

"Guys, I know this amazing place to eat," Shiri burst out. "It's way out on the Edge Districts, but I've been there a couple of times and it's really good."

"Enlighten us," Kalle said.

"I'll get back to you on that when I remember what it's called." Shiri stifled a laugh.

"All right. Well, call us when you think of it. We'll meet you there," Cas said. "It's not as if we have class on our schedules anymore."

"True," Kalle said almost thoughtfully.

"Okay. See you all soon," Shiri said and left the call.

Various goodbyes chorused over the line as we each disconnected. After a moment, Cas and I were the only ones left.

"You okay, Miranda?" he asked.

"I'm fine. Why?"

"Well, it's just . . . Shiri mentioned yesterday," he said. "Is that still bothering you?"

I sighed. "Yes, but . . . there's nothing I can do about it. I'll just wait until the System takes care of it."

Cas paused for a long moment. "Do you want to meet somewhere today?" he asked finally.

"I guess," I said. "But I have to go pick up my sister from school this afternoon."

"That's fine. Where do you want to go?"

I thought for a moment. "Well," I said finally, "do you remember the garden we always used to go to after Second Level Academy got out?"

"The one by the Edge Districts?" Cas asked. "Yeah, I remember. There was that huge gate. And those tablets. Should we go there?"

"Yeah. How about soon?"

"Sure." Through the communication port, I heard him shift. "I'll come get you. Don't worry, Miranda."

He ended the call.