"Mind if I ask what happened to this one?" Cedric asked. "Not shot or something, I hope?"
"No. We're not sure." Thane spoke for me while I pleaded with Kalle's lifeless form. "Miranda says she collapsed not too long ago, with no apparent cause. Potentially the memory irregularity, but we've got no proof."
"That again?" Cedric snorted. "Pisses me off, the way we're still forgetting people. How the hell're we going to recruit anyone if we can't remember who they are?"
"Have you investigated Nero Randall's offices yet?" Thane asked. "Found anything about the way they manage the collective memory?"
Cedric sighed and shook his head. "I've investigated, but unfortunately, I've found nothing. His offices are rigged. Goddamn labyrinths, they are."