Chapter 43

I woke again, this time to a hand shaking my shoulder. Despite the pain, I managed to raise an arm and swat at the hand that had a vise grip on my back.

"What the hell," I growled, my voice coming out drowsy and incoherent. "Back off."

"For someone who's just waking up, you sure are aggressive," a familiar voice said, and the face of Thane Flynn came into focus.

"Oh Triad." I blinked and looked into his teasing forest eyes. "Thane. I'm sorry."

"No problem," he said, rising to his full height. "How are you feeling? How are your wounds?"

"Well, obviously they're still not healed, as you just demonstrated," I said.

"Do you think you can get up?" he asked

"What's this about?" I asked, trying to squirm sideways off the table.

"We've got a mission to run," he said. "And we need you there. Are you okay?"

Rebel leader Thane didn't give a damn whether I was okay. I could see flashes of my classmate returning in his eyes, sparks of delicious concern.