Chapter 32

Lysandra glanced at the door that led into the main room. "So where's your sister?" she asked.

"Downtown, with her friends," Cale said. "I don't have any clients coming in this afternoon that I know of. Do you want me to examine your memories again?"

She shook her head. "No. I'm done with that. I just need to figure out this 'memory chasm' I apparently have." She looked up and met his eyes again. "Cale, do you think you could come with me to see my father sometime?"

Cale pressed his lips together. Slowly, he shook his head. "No, I don't think I can, Lysandra. That's a job you'll have to do alone."

"That's right," Lysandra murmured. "Okay. Alone."

She blinked away the still-invisible tears.

Zephyr left Lysandra a note the next morning, but when Lysandra read it, she found that it apologized for her friend's having to work that morning and, consequently, not being able to go anywhere. The sun hadn't quite come up yet, and Lysandra was still trying to escape the wrath of Ismene. She hadn't seen the faces of any of her father's servants for two days.

She escaped the house again, this time remembering to bring her cloak, and headed for Cale's studio. She remembered the way there - she no longer got lost. It had become one of the most important places she knew.

When she turned onto the street where Cale's studio sat, she saw the door open and Cale emerge. She quickened her pace and heard him say, "Lysandra, wait!"

Before she could process what he meant, a pair of hands grabbed her from the side and slammed her against the nearest wall.

"Oh, I knew this would happen," a darkly amused voice said.

Lysandra looked up.

The man staring back at her had dark hair and bright, malicious eyes.

"Lysandra!" Cale shouted.

"How adorable," the dark-haired man murmured, looking between Lysandra and Cale. "These two, whose relationship is based solely on pain and desperation."

Words failed Lysandra - all of them except, "You're Morpheus - Morpheus Rose."

"I wonder how you guessed," the man - Morpheus - said, tilting his head to one side and looking at her almost admiringly. "Is it from your memories of me? Or is it the hideous picture your shameful father painted in your mind?"

"Don't you dare insult my father," Lysandra gasped. "Or my memories. Or Cale!"

"Ah, Cale," Morpheus mused. "Even though I warned him, he still let you come."

"Warned him," Lysandra breathed. She had intended it as a question, but Morpheus's arm was pressed against her windpipe, and she couldn't take in enough air.

"I didn't know!" Cale exclaimed.

"I sent him a note telling him I was coming," the man purred, eyeing Lysandra. "I told him that if he wanted to protect you from me, he would have to stop you from returning to his studio."

"I didn't know," Cale said again. "I couldn't get to you in time..." He sank to his knees.

"There's still time," Morpheus told him. "You have three seconds... two... one..."

He raised his hand and fired a single shot into the air. Cale went down instantly. Lysandra jerked to one side in an attempt to see him, but she never saw anything but darkness as Morpheus dealt a sharp blow to the side of her skull.