Her mother's money

His lips parted hers, his tongue invading her mouth taking in her taste.

She had stopped struggling. letting him kiss her senselessly. She felt his warm tongue move into her mouth.

He let her go so they could breathe. Her face was rosy pink showing the effect of the kiss on her.

"Can we date?" he asked her.

She hadn't recovered from his kiss but was asking her to be his girlfriend.

"I won't slap you since you once helped me. But never do that again and I won't be your girlfriend"

She ran to the road and hurled a taxi before he could say anything back to her.

"What a pervert " she shouted.

He arrived home gloomy and angry. Why had she refused his proposal?

She was able to sell the place after a week. Irene had helped her with everything. She had agreed to talk about how to use the money with her brother who seemed to always be busy postponing her plans.

"We can't take it anymore, you have been driving everyone crazy. The staff is complaining saying you overwork them " Sean expressed

"I am just doing my work as their boss. They shouldn't complain "

"You are transferring your frustration to them. Am just so angry that a woman did this to you "

" No one did this to me " Arthur angrily shouted.

"I had she stopped coming to the cafeteria. you scared her away "

Feeling wronged Arthur shouted.

"I just kissed her and asked her to be my girlfriend "

"YOU WHAT. Arthur, I didn't think you were that type of guy. Go apologies maybe she will forgive you "

" I don't think it will work. She left the address I knew and also the cafeteria. So I can't find her"

"So you mean finding others takes a second, but you can't find her or you just don't want to "

"I think she will reject me again "

" So you are scared of rejection after rejecting all those women in the past. She's just a woman "Sean sighed.

" I remember paying every last penny I owned you .why do you claim that I still own your money?" Rose said

" I checked my books and it seemed like you didn't pay the interest so when I had you sold the bakery. I came to get my share "the loan shark boss said.

Rose couldn't believe he wanted even the last penny she had. he always took advantage of her state to get more money from her. But now her mom was gone and her brother was OK so she had nothing to fear.

"I don't owe you anything cause I paid every cent of your money. So please leave my house "

" You became a tough cookie after your mother's death. But I enjoy tough cookies " he said as he stood up.

She got scared and backed away. But just then Irene arrived.

" What's going on here ? " she asked.

" They claim I didn't pay all their money back " Rose reported.

" We paid for everything. So if they have a complaint let them go to the police and make a report "

The moment they had the police they left without a word.

She thanked Irene and asked her why she came.

"I was worried about you. It's been days and I haven't seen you out. Did something happen?"

" Am busy making plans about what to do with the money "

Irene watched her " Your so naive and innocent that's why people just use you. You should grow up soon so you can achieve your dreams "

" I will soon " Rose assured.

"Since you are fine, I am leaving. then be careful".

She went to bed after seeing Irene off. She was still thinking about the kiss. Still feeling its effects she bounced in bed till she fell asleep.

Two hours had passed since she fell asleep. But something loud woke her up.

She moved towards the sitting room finding the two men in black searching the room.

She got her brother's baseball bat and shouted.

" What are you doing in my house "

One of the men came straight for her without warning. She tried hitting him with the bat but missed. He carried her back to the room and put a hand on her mouth.

"The boss said we don't do anything to you. So please behave and just give us the money " he whispered.

Her body shivered from fear and pain since he was holding her down with force.

She nodded and pointed to the wardrobe.

He slowly let her go and lead her to the wardrobe.

"Get it now. And don't play tricks on us "

"She got out a little box and gave it to him. He opened it but it was empty.

" Are you playing games with me " he angrily shouted

"It was there. I remember I put it in their" She lied. she couldn't give them the money since her mother had worked hard to buy that place. She couldn't give away the money she got from selling it.

He got angry and slapped her. Making the other one tense.

" Boss said not to touch her. What are you doing? "

" He said to get the money no matter what. And that's what I am doing so keep quiet and watch the door" he shouted at the other intruder.

He slapped her a few more times but she still didn't say anything.

"You're a tough cookie the boss said. But you will crack. Tell me where the money is "

He slapped her till her lips bled but she kept her mouth shut.

He dragged her to the sitting room by her hair.

She screamed and cried.

"Please leave I don't know where the money is " she cried.

" We might get into trouble if we stay here longer. Let's go before someone hears her sobs. I don't think she has the money " the scared one said.

The other hesitated to look at her sob.

" She can't let you hurt her like that if she had the money let's go "

"If you say anything, your dead " he threatened after which they left like the thieves they were.

He left very early in the morning and drove to an address he had got. After some digging yesterday he got her address.

He arrived and knocked on the door but no one answered.

He knocked again the second time this time the door opened. Expecting to see her beautiful face his eyes met with a bruised swollen one.

"Who did this to you ? " his face frowned.

"You still care even after what I did " she cried.

She felt weak when she saw him frown after seeing her face. Why did he care so much?

Maybe she felt pain after being hit or it was the joy of seeing someone apart from her brother care for her, She started crying as she stared at him.

He pulled her into his arms and embraced her. Tried to stop her from crying but her tears didn't stop falling.