"Don't tell me it's Vivian.

"Alex I don't think I want to attend that family party. I don't even have the right attire " Ralph explained.

Alex had begged him to join her for her family dinner but he still didn't want to go. He had heard from his sister how the father was a tough nut to please.

He had his share of fathers when he was still around. Ralph didn't want to stress over it again.

"But you said you would do anything I asked " she pleaded.

"I don't think I really like the word father very much," Ralph said.

"I know how you feel, and I understand but this is important for me and I want you there with me," Alex said.

Ralph had always supported her in anything but his memory of his father had tarnished and created a disgusting image of fathers. Even when he saw his patient's parents, he was always tough with the fathers. He wanted them to do better for their kids, it was a habit that developed after seeing his father's behavior to them.

He didn't even know if he was still alive.

"Am sorry love, but I just can't go with you " he said as he left the room.

Alex was angry but she didn't want to force it. Rose had told her a bit of their childhood life, she knew it was a sensitive topic but she wanted him to move on. She wanted to show him that not all fathers were bad people but he was just too stubborn.

"Ralph " She called after him.

Catching up with him she stopped him.

"I understand your pain but if you don't try to get rid of it, it will eat you up. Your father is gone, you and sister are now living the best lives.

Rose was able to move on after all the things she went through then what about you. You hate your father but he probably doesn't even know it "

Alex held his face and stared at him.

Ralph knew she was right, his sister had suffered the most he was still young that he didn't remember much but the pain and cries of his mother and sister. His anger had grown into hatred for his father. But why hate someone who might not even know you exist anymore.

He stared back at her blue eyes and smiled.

" Can you help me shop for a suit to wear ?" he asked.

She laughed "I know the right place ".

Arthur was still asleep when he heard his phone ring. He didn't want to wake up Rose so he hurried to pick it up.

"Hi, do you remember the guy who sent Rose to our hotel that night?" Sean's voice asked through the phone.

"Yeah, you told me he owned a club. What happened?" Arthur asked.

"He told me that a woman contacted him asking about Rose. He said she said he would be paid a high price if he came to your family party and say Rose worked as a stripper in his club, she had seduced you so she could get a better life "

"Who was the woman ?" Arthur asked, leaving the bed and headed to the balcony.

"We both know who she is. If she was able to find out about that then she is prepared to do whatever it takes" Sean said.

"If she wants to play with fire, then let her. But I won't let her harm even a hair on Rose " he said.

"Then what do you plan to do ?" Sean asked.

Arthur turned around and looked at Rose's sleep, he wasn't going to allow anyone to hurt her.

Rose woke up when she heard Arthur moving around the room.

She saw him bring in different gowns into the room.

"Arthur what's going on ? " she asked.

"You haven't chosen what to wear for the party. So I ordered some of the best gowns to be delivered, so you can choose "Arthur said

" I forgot about that, even when you told me to shop I never bothered to buy one "

She admired the different gowns, they looked expensive and stylish.

"Well being the fiance of a rich man comes with benefits " Rose exclaimed.

Arthur laughed "Chose what makes you happy when you're done come down for breakfast "

What is for real, did she really hit the jackpot as Irene had said. Her life was a mess but then it took a u-turn and now she was living the dream any girl would dream of.

Maybe God was paying her for the injustices she had suffered.

She moved towards the gowns, a white one had caught her eye.

It was long white backless dress with a slit on the side .

"Arthur I loved the white one better, it looks peaceful and stylish," she said.

"Okay I will tell Dorothy to send the rest back "

She sat down and started having breakfast.

"Butterfly there is something I want to tell you," Arthur said.

"Go ahead," She said.

"Haven't you ever wondered why I didn't ask why you were working in a club ? " he said.

Rose stopped eating and met his eyes.

"What do you mean? .I told you it was my first time "

He said"I know I told Sean to contact his friend who had sent you to the hotel who told me everything. But now someone wants to use that against you "

"Don't tell me its Vivian? Cause I know that bitch is crazy " She said.

"It is, but don't worry I won't let her hurt you " Arthur assured.

"Arthur before you came into my life, I used to take care of myself. You don't need to do it every time cause even when am in this condition I can still do it " Rose told him.

"I know you can but since I asked you to be my girlfriend, I promised myself to protect you. That is why I even took care of the loan shark who hurt you " he revealed.

"You what? I always wondered what happened to him after he sent those thugs to my house "

Rose had been receiving phone calls from him after she left the house, he claimed he would hurt and kill her if she said anything about the attack. She wasn't afraid cause she was leaving with Arthur but her brother was still in the open so she kept her mouth shut.

But the phone calls had stopped, she thought he got tired of it, but it was Arthur who had done something.

"What did you do to him?" She asked.

"His somewhere were he won't hurt you again," he said.

He was really the best thing she had received.

She sat on his lap and kissed him, whispering a thank you in his ears.

"So what do you plan to do with Vivian?" he asked.

"Well I guess we start with telling mom and dad the truth about that night, the then rest will fall into place," she said.

"If you think so, I support you " Arthur agreed.

If Vivian wanted to use her past to shame her, she was ready for it "