Irene .

Breakfast was eaten in silence, no one wanted to talk about what had happened between Sean and Irene.

After breakfast, they headed to the street market to buy and tour the neighborhood.

Arthur moved with Rose, Alex with Ralph which only left the two repelling poles, Irene and Sean.

The rest had fun moving around as they admired and bought stuff.

"Arthur, why don't we try making them?" Rose pointed to the stall that had bracelets of different colors and sizes.

Arthur followed her to the stall asking if they could try.

"Sure you can use the material and charms you want. Let me show you how it's done " the lady said.

She showed them a demonstration and after they tried themselves.

Rose made a bracelet using golden charms that were highlighted by a little silver baby angel, while Arthur used golden joined roses as charms.

They put them on each other's wrists after.

The rest had left them behind since they had been making their bracelets, they joined them again at a cafe shop.

But they realized Irene was missing.

"How did you lose sight of her, she was right beside you?" Rose asked Sean.

"How was I supposed to know that she would get lost. I was avoiding her since she was doing the same "

They moved back to the places they had visited but she wasn't near any of them. Rose was worried about her friend. They divided themselves and looked.

Irene had stopped in front of entertaining dancers who were performing that she forgot about her friends. When she realized what had happened they had disappeared.

She moved around but couldn't see any of them, deciding to wait she stood in front of one of the shops.

It was getting dark and there was no sign of Arthur and the rest.

She felt cold since she had worn a strapless dress.

"Hello pretty," someone said.

Irene turned seeing a batch of young men coming near her. She moved further creating some distance, but they moved closer.

"We just want to talk why are you running away ?" one said.

"I don't talk to strangers," she said.

"But we can become friends " the other came closer touching her shoulder.

She pushed him aside and turned to leave. But he caught her hand pulling her back.

"Let me go you scumbags, I don't want to hurt you " she screamed.

They laughed pulling her further into a dark corner.

She turned to catch him off guard, kicking his balls and pushed him away, the others seeing her actions tried to grab her but she twisted the hand of the one who tried to grab her giving her chance to run.

She runs not looking back and knocked into someone.

She apologized without seeing who it was as she tried to run again.

"Where have you been " he asked.

Irene looked up recognizing his face she smiled.

"Sean! , thank God some men are chasing me " she cried.

He held her as his eyes scanned the area she came from he saw them approach.

"What did you do to make them chase you?" he asked her

"What do you think? that I said, hi can you chase me around since am bored " she quarreled.

Sean became angrier he had been looking for more than two hours and she was yelling at him again.

The angry men approached them looking at her.

"If you don't want trouble with us, please hand her over to us," one said.

"Why would I do that, you seem like bored thugs who just want to tease a woman "Sean said.

" She made some trouble that she has to pay for, so don't interfere "

"Sean they seem dangerous why don't we just run " Irene said to him

"Oh, so you know each other " one of the thugs said.

"If you don't want trouble leave know " Sean advised

It wasn't his first time there he used to come with Arthur to sometimes, he had once met such thugs so he knew how to handle them.

"Does Eric know you do this every night, Or should I give him a call?" Sean said.

When they heard what he said they looked scared and scattered like cats.

"Let's go," Sean said

Irene stared at him amazed at how he had handled the situation. And who was the Eric he talked about?

"Why aren't you following, the others are waiting"

"Am coming " She runs next to him following his footsteps.

"Why did you wander off in a place you barely know?"

"I didn't wander off you guys left me behind when I was watching the dancers "

Sean didn't say more but made sure she was beside him as he walked. She seemed to be limping did those bastards hurt her he thought.

"Why are you lagging behind?" he asked.

"I hurt my foot while I was running from those lunatics " she said.

He stops looking down at her foot which was bleeding now. Sean scouted down using his handkerchief he wrapped the wound with it.

Irene watched him gently cover the wound carefully.

After which he bent in front of her showing his bac.

"Get on " he commanded

"Am okay I can walk much faster now since you covered the wound " she refused.

It's getting late and I know you can't move properly so get on so we can hurry and meet the others " Sean persisted.

Irene slowly got on his back he carried her and started to move. Her hands rested on his shoulders and he held her soft hips.

Sean felt her soft light body against his back, she warm but her body was shivering maybe because she had just been in shock.

"How did you meet Eric's men?" he asked

"I was just starting near a shop hoping you guys would find me then they appeared and started harassing me " she said

"That how they are, always targeting young females who are alone but their lousy boss doesn't know that's why I threatened them with his name " he said.

"You know their boss ?" Irene asked

"Yeah I met him once when we got into a fight with his men at a bar when I came with Arthur for a vacation "

They chatted as they moved and soon arrived at the restaurant the rest where.

Arthur saw his friend enter the restaurant carrying Irene on his back

"When did they get so close?" Alex asked

"Something must have happened," Ralph said.

Sean put her down next to a seat next to Rose and sat down himself.

"What happened Irene?" Rose asked.

"I think I got lost " she said back.

Arthur stared at his friend, even when they were growing up Sean had never offered help to any girl. He always teased or hit them, he grew up with that attitude thinking they have just desired objects just like how Arthur thought before he met Rose.

"What happened ?" Arthur asked Sean

"She met some of Eric's men and hurt her foot as she ran away " he replied

Rose heard what he said and turned to her friend who was already eating the food in front of her.

"Does it hurt, did those men hurt you ?" She asked

Irene shook her head and she swallowed the food in her mouth.

"No it doesn't, and those men scattered when they saw him " Irene said as she pointed towards Sean.

Let's go home then it seems no one is in the mood of touring anymore and Rose has to rest " Arthur suggested

The rest agreed since they had wasted their energy looking for Irene. Who seemed not to mind as she tried finishing the food on her plate before they left.

Everybody left for there rooms when they reached they were too tired to talk about their day adventure.

Sean locked his room in case Irene sleepwalked again he would be safe from her.

She had looked fragile when she ran into him on the street Sean thought as he took a shower. Her short curly hair had moved to her face by the wind as she ran, her brown eyes had shown fear and when he carried her on his back he felt a sense of warmth he had never felt.

"Why are you thinking about that crazy woman?" he spoke to himself