You still look Sexy.

"Why do I need a date for the party? I can attend it alone " Arthur argued.

"It's a charity event for the company and you need to appear with a partner. Rose can't go since she's pregnant " Sean said.

Arthur didn't want anybody apart from Rose who couldn't go due to her condition

"Maybe I should just ask mother if she can come with me " Arthur said.

"We both know your mother won't go to events she didn't instruct so she's out "

"I will go alone then " he finally decided.

He came back home tired from all the meetings about the event on the weekend. Rose was watching her favorite show as she ate sliced apples.

"How was your day?" she kissed him as he sat next to her.

"It's was hectic since we are preparing the charity event " he said.

"I know Sean told me about it. I prepared something that could help you with it, so after dinner, you check them out " she said.

"Why do you work so hard, just stay home and look after your self " Arthur said

"Arthur I can still work as I used to and I might have majored in accounts but I used to have a part-time job at an event manager office so I learned a thing or two from her "

Arthur moved to the documents she had prepared and checked. He was surprised at how detailed and beautifully she had arranged everything.

"Do you like it?" she asked.

"It's amazing! Did you really do this ?" he asked

"Arthur don't think I carry around an empty head just cause I don't do much. I actually have a lot of tricks under my sleeves " she laughed.

"You never cease to amaze me "

Arthur was surprised at how good she was, she had handled everything better than his experts at the office.

"And I am attending the event with you, Dorothy helped me get a dress so am basically ready "

"You're coming with me?" Arthur asked

"You thought I was going to let you enjoy the event with a pretty woman by your side as I stayed home, I don't think so dear " Rose exclaimed

Arthur moved to where she was seating and kissed her lips.

"I thought you would be angry but why are you kissing me instead ?"

"Cause you deserve it " he kissed her lips again.

"If you appreciate what I have done carry me upstairs and give me a bath " Rose demanded

Arthur smiled they had taken long without showering together.

He carried her upstairs into the bathroom, she undressed as he prepared the bathtub.

"Even with the baby bump you still look sexy " Arthur said as Rose slipped into the hot water.

"You just like my body that much not to notice the difference " Rose giggled.

Arthur removed his suit and joined her in the tub. He sat behind her letting her lean on his chest. He moved his hands gently touching her body under the water.

"Arthur I asked you to help me bathe not do this " Rose said.

"I am doing what you requested but in my own way "

His bent down and kissed her neck going down to her shoulders which earned him giggles from her.

"Arthur its ticklish " Rose laughed.

Arthur stopped and slowly washed her body moving his figures lovingly on her skin.

"Arthur stop it "

Arthur this time pulled her head and kissed her lips, the taste of apples hitting his senses when his tongue protruded into her mouth. She turned so he could have full entry to her lips.

She sat on his legs and hugged him, her naked breasts hitting his chest.

Rose kissed him back slowly biting his lips. They both felt the taste of blood from his lips but didn't stop kissing.

He pulled her closer her baby bump hitting his tummy, he felt her warm breast on his chest waking up his sleep brother.

"You woke him up " Arthur grumbled

"What should we do then?" Rose asked staring at his face.

Arthur held his already erected member in the water and directed it to Rose's flower.

Rose moaned as Arthur pulled her even more closely as he inserted himself into her.

"Is it still safe?" She asked between moans

"Trust me " Arthur silenced her with kisses

Rose was worn out after there intimacy in the bathtub that she fell asleep immediately Arthur put her into bed.

He kissed her forehead and whispered good night into her ears.

He changed and went to his study to review the documents she had prepared.

" Cancel all the plans the team had made, I will come with better plans tomorrow morning and cancel all the dinner partners you had got I will be attending with my fiance," Arthur told his assistant on the phone.

By the time he was done with everything, it was late in the night. He came back to his room he joined Rose in the bed.

Rose heard him enter the bed, she pulled him close and went back to sleep. Arthur loved it whenever she did that.

He finally also fell asleep holding the woman he loved.

Archie had been observing Arthur from far not appearing in his line of sight. He knew Arthur had known he was back but hadn't reacted yet.

Something was holding him back, he wasn't the same man he was before

"Can you be my partner at the charity event ?" Vivian asked Archie

"Why you don't have anyone in mind apart from me? " he questioned her.

"I do have a lot in mind but since your presence upsets Arthur I would like to make him angry " she answered.

"He might not be able to react the way you want him to, his changed since he met that woman but I don't mind "

"He won't be coming with her since she's pregnant so he would be accessible to our attacks " Vivian smiled.

"Arthur isn't someone you just attack and expect to win so don't put your hopes up " Archie advised.