Arthur's fault .

"After I fled I met your father who accepted me even though I was pregnant with someone else child, he loved me and gave me everything I wanted. But after a while I heard from a friend that my best friend was having a hard time with her husband, I wanted to help her but I was scared and ashamed to face her "

"Mother, why are you telling me all this? " Vivian asked

"I won't have told you but, I saw her daughter last time at your father's mourning and you seem to be in bad terms with her which isn't good since both of you share a father " her mother revealed

"Mother what you mean to say is that am that child you got from seducing your best friend husband and that I even know her daughter? " Vivian felt her stomach twist.

"Am sorry daughter to have to hurt you like this "

"So I was never my father's daughter but a baby it's real father had rejected when he found out " Vivian cried

Her mother held her tight as she apologized

"So please leave Rose alone, we owned her mother too much " her mother whispered

Vivian instantly pushed her away and moved a few steps from her mother.

"What has Rose have to do with all this? "

"Her mother was that best friend that I hurt and her father is your father too "

Vivian stumbled almost falling down but held onto the door for support. She couldn't believe what her mother had said.

Why of all the people she had met did it have to be Rose again? She had taken her chance of getting Arthur and being the daughter in law of his family but even now they shared past too.

Vivian felt her head spin as she lost consciousness.

The last thing she heard was her mother's shouting for help.

Sean had invited Arthur and Rose to his home for dinner. He wanted to tell them about his relationship with Irene.

"Why is my friend in your kitchen cooking? " Rose asked Sean.

She had seen Irene busy in his kitchen and it seemed it wasn't her first time in it since she knew exactly where everything was.

"She asked to cook and I allowed her " Sean said.

Arthur was silent since he knew his friend so well. He never liked home-cooked food that he always ate at restaurants but he was now acting like he loved it.

Rose decided to seat and watch her friend cook since her big belly didn't allow her to do much.

So they were having dinner made by Irene.

"It's wonderful " Rose commented as they ate.

"That's why I love her cooking " Sean said

"And since when have you been eating her cooked food? " Rose asked.

Sean fell silent but Irene laughed.

"Okay, it seems you guys already know about us so don't act like you don't," Irene said.

"Since when? " Arthur asked.

"Since we had the trip " Sean said.

Arthur frowned and Rose smiled.

"So it had already begun " Rose laughed.

Arthur was worried that his friend might hurt Irene which would hurt Rose too. He told Sean to follow him to his study so they could talk.

"Are you serious about her ? " he asked when they reached the study.

"Yes I am "

Arthur stared at his friend for a while and said

"If you hurt her your hurting Rose too, so watch your self or I won't hesitate when it affects Rose " Arthur threatened.

Sean laughed and said " Don't worry, I won't do anything to hurt Rose or Irene trust me on that "

The men later exited the room after agreeing.

Rose asked her friend how she felt when she started dating Sean.

"At first I was scared since I thought he would leave after getting me into his bed, but he later proved his love to me " Irene confessed

Rose smiled as she remembered her own experience with Arthur.

"When do you expect to get married and have a kid ?" Rose asked

Sean chocked on his tea after he heard Rose let out.

He coughed as he said "We are not in a hurry to start a family like Arthur. We will take ours slow "

"It was Arthur's fault that I got pregnant fast, he always rejected the idea of condoms " Rose explained

"Who said I was in a hurry to have a child, I just loved making love with her that I lost my sanity she ended up getting pregnant " Arthur defended himself

Rose's face turned red while Irene and Sean laughed at them.

Arthur still held his serious face like what he said were facts but Rose felt embarrassed.

"My dear friend, your that good to make him lose his sanity " Irene cracked up.

"So I didn't take precaution cause you forgot since you were so into her? " Sean laughed too.

Arthur stared them wondering why they were laughing, he had stated his reason but they were laughing instead.

"Even now in her state I still want to do it " Arthur said.

Rose slapped his mouth so he could stop talking, she was already feeling hot from his words.

The rest laughed at her gesture.

Arthur kept quiet for the rest of the conversation after she told him not to say anything more.

"What are your future plans after the baby is born ?" Sean asked.

"I plan to go back to work after his old enough to sit, so I can help Arthur with his work " Rose responded

"And you Arthur what do you have for the future? " Irene asked

"I want to hold our wedding so Rose became my wife, then help her raise our child," he said.

"Both your plans are almost the same I hope they come true " Irene wished.

Rose and Arthur later left and headed home leaving the other two lover birds alone.

Rose went straight to bed when they arrived home.

Arthur got a towel and soaked it into hot water then massaged her feet with it. She felt even more relaxed and went to sleep in comfort.

He watched her fall asleep with a smile on her.