" Helping you Relax "

Vitoria tried her best to meet with Arthur but failed. He rarely moved out of the house and when he did his bodyguards didn't allow anyone closer to him.

Arthur had made sure not to meet her no matter what she tried.

"Arthur why don't we go out on a date just you and me " Rose suggested.

"We can have it here why go outside " he said.

"It's been a while since I went on a date and I wanted to have a change of scenery "

Arthur didn't want to go but Rose was right, she had been indoor since little Arthur was born so he agreed after a while.

"Okay let me make a call as you prepare yourself"

Rose jumped up and rushed to the bedroom to change as Arthur called the restaurant.

They soon left after kissing little Arthur to sleep.

Not wanting to alarm Rose he told his guards to keep a distance from his car.

Rose was excited when they arrived at the restaurant. It was a glamorous restaurant that seemed to host rich and dignified guests.

She had worn black pants with a white lace top, her hair was let down falling her back

Arthur saw some guests stare at them and he increased the pace at which they were walking.

He helped her sit down as he whispered into her ear " Why are you always turning heads?"

Rose looked at his list by his question.

"I mean why do people stare at you when we go to the public? " He asked.

Rose chuckled as she looked back at the guest behind them.

"I don't know myself, but I think it's because am moving with the most good looking and sexy man alive " she winked at him.

For the first in his life, Arthur blushed, his cheeks turned red as he tried avoiding her eyes.

Rose laughed at his reaction that she teased him more.

"Do you like being told that your handsome or sexy? " she asked.

"Butterfly stop it," said Arthur.

"I have to tell you that your the sexiest man alive especially in bed " she whispered.

Arthur coughed as he grabbed the glass of water on the table and drank.

Rose was laughing so hard her tummy ached.

Arthur saw her smiled and joined in laughing as well.

"I didn't know you were such a witty person " he said.

They were soon served with the dishes they had ordered.

Victoria had failed in each attempt she had tried to come near Arthur. He had made sure she won't get any opportunity.

But today she was able to get in without him knowing. She had sat two tables from were they where seated.

Arthur seemed to have fun with the lady next to him. Victoria stared at Rose, she was a really beautiful woman with an innocent kind face, a wonderful body, and long black hair.

Her smile was pure almost angel like that it made Victoria angry.

They seemed to be deep in love since they didn't even care if others were watching them

She wanted to go and face Arthur but her pride had been hurt. The woman he had replaced her with was too perfect that she was scared to face them.

She soon moved quietly and exited the restaurant.

"What wrong Arthur, does the food taste different?" Rose asked since he looked to be frowning but noticed he was looking at something.

She followed his line of sight but only saw guests leaving.

"No it's okay " he gained his composure, he thought he had seen Victoria.

Rose looked back at the exit but didn't see anything suspicious so she continued with her meal.

Later they left the restaurant and strode down the street as they chatted. Rose held onto his arm as they moved, she felt so happy and ending up humming a song.

"Let's buy ourselves a couple t-shirts "

They stopped in front of a shop that sold couple and parents items. Rose who initially wanted T-shirts ended up by a three of father, mother, and son outfits.

"Let's take this instead " she said.

They reached home when it clocked midnight since Rose kept stopping in front of each shop or mall that had something she wanted.

Arthur did whatever she wanted, he was dragged into each shop without complain that he ended up enjoying himself too.

"My limbs hurt so much " Rose jumped onto the bed as she expressed.

"Your body had taken long from moving and standing for a long time " Arthur said as he followed her into the room.

He looked at her laying on the bed exhausted and smiled as an idea appeared in his head.

Rose had closed her eyes while in the bed that she didn't see Arthur approach her.

She felt him move on top of her, as his hands pulled up her lace top. Opening her eyes she looked down on her body

"What are you doing?" she asked him.

Arthur didn't stop his actions as he answered back at her.

"Helping you relax " he innocently said.

Rose pushed him aside on the bed stopping him.

"The last time you did we ended up getting naked, so I don't think you're qualified anymore " Rose said as she got up from the bed trying to escape him.

Arthur grabbed her hand and pulled her back to the bed. Rose landing in his arms, he held her tight not giving her any chance of escaping.

"Butterfly am the only qualified person who can touch you like this and make you relax "

Rose tried moving but Arthur didn't bulge at all.

"Arthur am not in the mood for this, please let me go " she screamed.

"Don't scream you might wake up Arthur next door and that will be another task to handle " he said as his lips came closer to hers.

Rose's body responded in the opposite of what she was saying. She kissed Arthur hungrily that his body heated up instantly.

Her hands moved down into his pants and touched his member exciting him more.

"I thought you didn't want to relax with me?" Arthur breathed.

"It looks like my mind and body work differently " Rose kissed him again.

Arthur rolled placing her under him again. Rose pulled off her top as her legs pushed down her pants.

"I think its been a while since I felt you inside me that my body is burning with desire " Rose said as she watched him undressed.

Arthur was on top of her in seconds as his hands moved all over her body kissing her seductively.

"Same here butterfly " Arthur said between kisses.

Her body was filled with his kisses Rose was so tensed up with desire and hunger for his body that she didn't wait and held his manhood and directed it into her. Arthur sucked her breasts as he moved into her.

Rose felt him move in and out of her, leading to both their climax.

They both had to do it more than once to satisfy their starved bodies.