"Her memory "

Victoria had failed to follow her men and Archie as they chased after Rose. Her heel high could not allow her to move faster so she decided to stay behind and let Archie and her men do it for her.

Back at the old house

"Don't you dare come near me " Rose screamed.

Archie didn't mind her screams as he carried her into one of the old dusty seats in the room.

Rose tried pushing him off her but failed. Her body was drained and weak from all the running and lack of food.

"Don't think that since my cousin you slept with Arthur that you are now special " Archie pushed Rose down as he got on top of her.

She screamed as her weak fists met with his hard masculine chest.

"Am just going to check if your still the same as before. I really enjoyed that night we had together " Archie opened her blouse with force pulling off all her buttons that scattered on the floor.

"GET off your crazy psycho " Rose screamed even louder.

"It seems you don't really remember me, but don't worry by the time am done you will " Archie bent down and kissed her lips.

Rose moved her face so that he could not fully kiss her. But Archie held both her arms with his right hand and used his left to hold her head in place.

"Don't struggle too much or you might end up hurting your self "

"Please don't do this!" Rode ended up begging him.

"Don't worry it will end soon " Archie promised.

The men that had followed with him during the chase had stayed outside the house as Archie tortured Rose inside.

His lips finally landed on her, he forces his tongue into her mouth but Rose bit him so hard that it bled.

Feeling pain he slapped her hard across her face almost knocking her out.

Rose felt her body move in circles as her senses failed. She felt Archie try kissing her again, this time succeeding since she wasn't in any condition to fight anymore.

His tongue and lips assaulted her mouth then he moved down to her neck and cleavage area.

Rose felt her warm tears flow down her face as she weakly screams for help.

Archie who seemed to be enjoying what he was doing came back to her lips again.

"You know this isn't my first time doing this to you, but it feels so new to me " Archie said.

Rose being confused by his words tried again to push him away from her weak body but failed.

"I don't even know what you're talking about you crazy bastard " Rose slowly came back to her senses.

"How disappointing, while I remember everything you decide to forget it. But don't worry you will soon too " Archie pulled down down her jeans amongst struggles from her legs.

Rose kicked and screamed as he pulled down her jeans which exposed her perfectly delicate white hips to him.

"Don't you dare touch me you bastard or I sweat am going to kill you " Rose screamed.

Archie not minding her commotion he moved his aggressive cold hands along her hips.

"Your really a gem Rose, Arthur is sure is lucky to have you " he laughed.

Rose felt violated by his hands, she cried as she screamed hoping for Arthur to burge into the room and help her but it never happened.

His hands moved across her body as he filled it with kisses.

Memories of something she never wanted to remember flashed back into her mind.

A hand had grabbed her mouth preventing her from making an alarm as she was being dragged into the car.

The guy had no face in her memories but was aggressively pushed her into the car. She had tried to push him away but he was stronger than her.

The stranger had pulled up her short skirt as soon he assaulted her. Rose cried as she remembered the pain she had felt as his penis torn into her delicate part. He had slapped her when she tried to attempt to escape, his voice was mocking and scary beside her ears when he spoke.

All the pain from the past felt fresh after it flowed back into her memory.

She was moving as Archie was kissing her body trying to set her self free.

"Don't worry it would be over soon" He whispered as he pulled down his pants.

The instant he said those words was when Rose recalled the face of her harasser who had raped her in the past.

"It was you that night who dragged me into the car " Rose cried.

Her words caught him off guard that he stopped what he was doing and looked into her eyes.

"You finally remembered me?" Archie asked

"Why did you do such a thing to me? " Rose asked between tears.

"Am not sure, but maybe because Harry protected you so much that I hated it that I wanted it to stop " Archie smiled.

Rose didn't answered but slowly moved her free leg and kicked him hard in his groins earning a yell from him.

Archie fell on the down in pain as he held his precious part in pain.

Rose jumped onto her feet and dressed back into her jeans. Not minding her blouse she ran out through the window and was soon far from the house.

She ran as fast as she could this time giving her all in order not to be captured again.

Her feet hurt as sharp stones came in contact with her feet as she ran away.

Stumbling a few times she soon saw the main road up ahead. She felt a little bit of hope as she reached it.

Too weak to continue she collapsed in the middle of the road as a car stopped in time not to knock her down.

"Madam are you okay?" was the last statement she heard from the owner of the car before she lost consciousness.