"It's in the past "

"We have been keeping this to ourselves for a while, but I think it's time we talk about it," Sean said.

It's had been a month since Rose's kidnapping, everything had gone back to normal. While Sean and Irene had waited for things to settle down before they could tell Arthur and Rose about their shared past.

"What is it, Sean?" Rose asked as she looked at her friend seated next to him.

"Rose I wanted to tell you soon but then you disappeared, so I had to wait till now, " Irene said.

"What is it then, tell me?" Rose asked feeling more anxious.

Arthur was quietly seated next to Rose as he waited for them to say what was so important that they had to come on a Sunday.

"Well, it's about the night you where raped " Irene finally let it out.

Both Arthur and Rose froze the moment Irene let out her statement.

"Rose don't feel bad, it's time you face it and let it go "

Rose put down the cup of coffee she was holding and sat upright, waiting for Irene's next sentence.

Seeing that her friend was okay with it she continued "I and Sean discovered something about that night that might help you make things clear "

"That night did you see two young men or it was one?" Sean asked.

Rose took her time before she could answer.

"I saw two of them "

"Rose, can you please tell us what exactly happened that night?" Irene begged since she knew how painful it would be for her to narrate it again after trying her best to forget it.

Rose turned and looked at Arthur, he seemed too uncomfortable with the topic, was he surprised that she was assaulted at a young age or was he now disgusted to even see her. She lowered her eyes and looked back at Irene and Sean.

"The day I escaped from Archie, he had tried to molest me which must have triggered by memories which helped me remember most of it," she said.

Arthur who was lost in his own world instantly turned his head and looked at Rose.

"I remembered that Someone had held me from the back and dragged me into a car and threw me in the back seat. When I tried to get up I saw another guy who looked like he was asleep in the front seat before the other threw me back down "

Arthur moved attracting Sean's attention who motioned him to stay still.

Rose took a sip from her cup of coffee before she could continue, " Before I had failed to remember the face of the guy who had done that to me, but when Archie tried it again in the old house I was able to "

"And who was it? " Irene asked.

"It was Archie, I don't how he knew me, or I was in the wrong place in the wrong time but I clearly remembered seeing his face as he pulled off my uniform blouse " Rose felt her tears flow down.

Arthur couldn't believe what he heard. It wasn't him all along but Archie, but how could it be. He always felt the memories where so real, like he had actually done.

Sean gave Arthur a look as he said, "Arthur was the other guy you saw in the car when Archie dragged you into it "

Rose turned and looked at Arthur, his face had turned pale while eyes depicted fear and pain.

"Archie had talked him into taking some strong dangerous drug but he passed out after he took it. Archie was able to manipulate Arthur's memory since he wasn't in his right mind making him believe he was the culprit " Sean said.

"Arthur has been carrying this burden for most of his life, that when he found out it was you that night he wanted to run away and never face you again but his love was stronger that he returned"

Rose smiled as she kept looking at Arthur. He didn't move but stared back at her.

Rose moved her hand onto his face and said, " Arthur I think its time you let go of the past, it wasn't your fault after all "

Irene and Sean watched as Rose talked to Arthur. Expecting her to be angry or disappointed about him not telling her sooner, she instead harassed him and didn't blame him.

"I know how it feels to keep such a painful thing from someone you love, but it wasn't even your fault. That burden is not yours to carry, okay " Rose smoothly said.

Arthur nodded but felt something stuck in his throat that he soon started crying. His tears flowed nonstop that Rose ended up hugging him. He landed in her embrace, Arthur held her tight as he buried his face in her neck.

"Am sorry Butterfly " he said between sobs.

"Don't be love, it's in the past now " Rose gently moved her figures through his smooth black hair.

Sean and Irene slowly left the room, leaving them alone.

"I have never left this place without feeling depressed. They both never miss a chance to display there love for each other " Sean complained as he helped Irene into the car.

"I don't think that's bad, they both love each other so it's natural for them to do that "

"I hope Arthur is able to move on, he been holding that burden for a while that it became a part of him " Sean let out.

"They both will since it's been cleared "

"And I wish he stops crying like that, he became a cry baby since Rose appeared in his life " Sean added.

"Well I think Arthur is very sincere with his feeling to even cry for her, but take a look at you I have never seen a drop of tear from you " Irene turned to look at the window of the car feeling angry.

Sean was stunned for a second before he answered." Our lives are not so dramatic like Arthur and Rose, but if a chance arises I will too "