"Her new friend"

"Butterfly don't worry Dorothy will take care of him " Arthur assured Rose as they left for work.

Her life had changed now since she married him. Her position in the company had changed to making her carry more responsibility.

She was now married to the CEO so she had to change and match his status.

Arthur on the other hand just wanted her to act normal and still be her self no matter the change in her life.

Rose kissed her son goodbye and followed Arthur to the car.

They arrived at the company and received a warm welcome from the employees.

Arthur led his wife to her office and left for his since he had to attend a meeting.

Rose was helped by her Secretary to perform her new task which she enjoyed.

She left her office and headed to Arthur's to have lunch with him but he wasn't yet back from his meeting.

Rose bumped into someone as she left the empty office of her husband.

"Am sorry " she apologized as she helped pick up the documents.

"It's alright I wasn't looking where I was going " he said.

She smiled and turned to leave but he stopped her.

"Have we met before?" he asked

"I don't think so it's my first seeing you " Rose said.

He seemed to be lost in thought as he tried to remember her face. Rose watched him look at her as he tried to remember her face.

"Don't you remember me?" he asked.

Confused by his question Rose shook her head.

"I rescued you once " he said.

Rose not sure about his claim said "Please tell me where "

"I was the one who took you to the hospital when you collapsed on the road " he said.

Rose realizing who he was smiled feeling happy to finally see him.

She had it seen his face nor thanked him for saving her life that day.

"It's was you, am so happy to finally meet you," Rose said.

"The feeling is mutual," the stranger said back.

"When I woke that day, my husband told me you had already left so I didn't get to thank you " Rose explained.

"I was in a hurry to meet someone so I couldn't wait for you to take up. But your husband told me you're where okay so I left " he said.

Rose invited him for lunch which he said yes. They had lunch as they chatted.

Rose had found out from their chat that his name was Nathan the company was going to sign a contract with his.

He was a very warm and fun person that Rose soon felt comfortable around him. They chatted as she told him about her accident and marriage to Arthur.

"I never knew I would be married to the CEO of the company I worked a part-time job " she said.

"Butterfly " she heard Arthur call her

She turned to see him looking at her with a frowned face. He looked hungry and angry to see her smiling at another male.

"Excuse me," she said and got up.

"What are you doing here, I thought we were having lunch together?" he asked.

"I thought so too but when I came to your office I was told you're still holding a meeting so I left, " Rose said

"And who is this?" he asked.

"Ohh, this is Nathan the guy who helped me when I was kidnapped " she informed him.

Arthur stared at the handsome man who had been chatting with his wife and frowned. So they meet again in his company. Why was he looking at him like he knew something about Arthur?

Rose saw them stare at each other and immediately pulled Arthur to the table where they had been sitting.

"Why don't you join us?" she pushed him in the seat next to hers and rushed to get him something to eat at the cafeteria.

"So we meet again," Arthur said.

"Yes, Mr. Rosebond. But this time as work partners " he said.

"So you're the company we are going to work with. Sean told me about, it's just that I have been busy since I returned to meet you "

"While it's okay since we meet here, I must say your wife is a charming kind lady " Nathan commented.

Before Arthur said anything Rose appeared with a pale full of his favorite food.

She says down next to him and placed a fork in his hands. Arthur didn't say anything and took the tool.

The chat between Nathan and Rose continued as Arthur joined in when he felt like. Soon it was time to leave to go back to work.

Rose left first leaving the men alone to chat more about work after she found out from Arthur that he was there a new partner for a project.

"I would appreciate it if you could keep a distance from my wife. You might have saved her life but I don't trust your judgment of her letting you be this close to her "Arthur let out.

"Please don't worry I just wanted to chat with her that's all. But if you feel uncomfortable I will keep my distance from her " Nathan smiled.

"I would appreciate that, am looking forward to a good partnership " Arthur stood up and left after he said his part.

He arrived back in his office and called Sean.

"Can't you let me rest for just an hour " Sean came in complaining.

"Find out everything about our new partner and get back to me " he instructed.

"What is it now, did he get on your bad side," Arthur asked.

"I found him talking with Rose and his the same person who saved her life when Victoria kidnapped her " Arthur said.

"Arthur don't tell me your jealous of that?" Sean asked.

"I don't trust his handsome face, he looks like he's hiding something "

"Okay, I will get to it now " Sean left Arthur's office.

Nathan who had seen Sean leave Arthur's Office smiled. He had expected Arthur to react this way. But he came ready that no matter what Arthur found out, he would be the same.

Rose had seemed too easy to get close to that he found himself enjoying her company before Arthur appeared.