"Irene "

Irene arrived home late in the night exhausted from work. Sean had not returned from the trip with Arthur leaving her alone at home. Rose had baby Arthur and Dorothy to keep her company but not her.

She walked to the kitchen and prepared herself something to eat but soon lost the appetite and headed upstairs for a shower.

She dried her hair and headed to bed, soon falling asleep.

Her phone woke her, she used her hands to find it.

"Irene," she said.

"Woke you up?" Sean asked.

A smile appeared on her face when she heard his voice.

"I miss you so bad, I feel sick," she said.

"Should I come back home then?" he asked.

"No, am alright, I just feel weak and dizzy since yesterday but I will be fine after a long nap," she said.

"Love, please take care of yourself or I will be worried "

" Am really okay, go back to work and rest early "

Sean said his goodbye and hung up.

Irene got up feeling her head heavy and throat dry.

She staggered downstairs into the kitchen getting a bottle of water from the fridge. She walked back to the bedroom and dived back into the cozy bed.

"Why do you have a gloomy face, did something happen to Irene?" Arthur asked his friend.

"Am worried about Irene, she sounded like she wasn't fine "

"Don't tell me you looking for an excuse to leave me here and go back home " Arthur asked.

"Arthur don't tell me you don't trust me?"

"I just don't trust your heart anymore "

Sean sneered "Look who is talking "

"If your worried about her ask Rose to go check on her " Arthur offered.

Sean didn't hesitate and called Rose.

"Hello Sean, " she answered.

"Hello Sister in law, I need to ask you for a favor" he went straight to the point.

"Okay go-ahead "

"Can you go visit Irene tomorrow and see if she's doing okay. I Am worried she sick but doesn't want to tell me ".

" Okay, consider it done " Rose accepted.

"Thanks so much, sister in law, I now know why Arthur loves you so much "

"Even if you didn't ask I would still go, Irene is my best friend I have to take care of her "

"Then I will the rest to you " Sean hung up.

He felt better after the call but then noticed something, why didn't Arthur ask to speak to Rose.

"You didn't ask about her, don't tell me you're already tired of her " Sean let out.

"I would if you didn't speak such nonsense about me and Rose "

"Am sorry if words sounded harsh, I was just surprised at how you didn't jump to the phone to talk to your wife "

"Unlike you who takes the whole day to talk to Irene that she got sick without you knowing, I talk to Rose every hour in a day, I had just hung up after talking to her when you entered the room " Arthur answered back.

Sean didn't answer and went back to reviewing the documents with Arthur.

Rose felt worried after her talk with Sean that she decided to call Irene, who failed to pick up. This made her more worried that she decided to go see her.

Her driver got the car ready and they drove to Sean's and Irene's home.

"Irene, Irene..?! Rose called.

Getting no reply Rose walked upstairs finding Irene covered in bed.

" What wrong with you? " she asked as she got closer to her best friend.

Irene didn't answer but moved, Rose checked her temperature which seemed she was having a fever.

"Why didn't you call me when you felt sick " Rose scolded her.

Irene moaned but was too weak to say anything letting Rose scold her while feeding her medicine.

Rose massaged her body with a cold towel to cool her body, then let her go back to sleep.

She stayed all night and took care of her.

"Irene woke up the next day feeling more better than she was last night. She woke up Rose who was sleeping beside her.

" Bestie, why didn't you go back home?" she asked.

"Do you expect me to leave you when your running a fever and home alone ?"

Irene pulled her closer and hugged her, "Thank you for taking care of me all night "

They headed downstairs and had breakfast that Rose prepared since Irene was still weak.

She later left since she had to feed little Arthur when he woke up.

Her car picked her up after she made sure Irene was feeling better.

"I just left Sean's home, tell him Irene is feeling better now and not to worry," she told Arthur.

"Okay, take care " Arthur hung up.

Rose did too since she knew he would be busy with work.
