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Irene woke up after she heard loud noises in the house. She picked up her gown and rushed down expecting to see Sean. But her heart stopped when she saw his mother in the living room.

She was shouting at the top of her voice ordering the guards to get everything that belonged to her to be taken out.

"Mother, you don't have to do that. I can do it myself " Irene walked back upstairs and changed.

She packed her stuff only leaving the things Sean had bought her.

Sean's mother watched her get everything that belonged to her one by one into her car.

She wasn't going to fight her since she knew nothing belonged to her in the first place. He wasn't even here to defend her or tell his mother how he wanted her to stay.

His mother seemed to have other plans for him who was she to intervene between them.

She drove silently in the night back to her home. It was always warm and welcoming no matter how long she spent without coming. She moved her things into the house and then called Rose.

"Is something wrong love? "

"Where can I start, she came home and sent my packing?" Irene laughed at her self.

"WHAT?!.., are you okay?" Rose asked.

"Am fine just arrived a while ago at my home "

"Okay stay there let me come," Rose said

She jumped out of bed and changed, told Dorothy to look after little Arthur, and left.

Irene was making coffee when Rose arrived.

Rose rushed to her with a warm hug making sure her friend was okay.

Irene told her how everything had happened.

Rose stared at her friend, she had no emotions, her face was pale with sadness and hurt in her eyes but she didn't shed any tear.

Was she pretending to be okay or was she okay?

Rose had suggested calling Sean and Arthur but Irene immediately disagreed. Claiming it would be stupid to call them for such a small matter.

"Let's just wait for them to come back then we will talk about it," she said.

Rose didn't linger on the matter and decided to stay for the night just to make such her friend was okay.

"You just recovered from a fever, now you're stressed with this, it would be dangerous to leave you alone ".

" Rose am okay, am not such a weak minded person that I would start to wail up and jump off buildings just because my boyfriend's mother threw me out of his house. You know am stronger than this " Irene smiled.

Rose wasn't comfortable with leaving her alone but decided to give her space. She drove back home still worried about her.

"Butterfly, is something wrong?" Rose called Arthur when she arrived back home.

"Is Sean with you?" she asked.

"No, his isn't, why?"

"Well, his mom threw Irene out of the house, is she really this bad?" Rose angrily asked.

"She is worse than that, the only person who can control her is her son and husband. But what I know is they also sometimes fail "

"I don't know what she thinks she is doing but I won't allow her to treat my best friend like this "

"Butterfly, calm down. Is Irene okay?"

Rose let out a long sigh and said "She's fine but am still worried about her "

"I know you're worried and angry but this matter is between Sean and his mother, when we return let's give him a chance to fix it "

Rose knew he was right it was between Irene, Sean, and his mother. Even though it hurt her seeing her friend like that she decided to wait.

"Okay, you guys better hurry home or you won't like what I would do " she hung up.

Arthur stared at the balcony and wondered whether to tell his friend about what happened or keep it a secret until they returned home.

"Why do you keep haunting our son like he's still a six-year-old boy?"

" Am his mother I only want what's best for him "

"I know but his old enough now to make his own decision, stop interfering in his matters and life," Arthur's father said.

"That girl isn't anything close to what is good for my son. She thinks not putting up a fight will make me have pity. I will explain to Sean when he comes back home "

"She seems to be a good girl and she loves our son. When I saw her at Arthur's wedding I knew they loved each other "

"Stop talking nonsense and go to sleep, am tired and want to rest " Sean's mother complained.

"Do you think he will be happy to find out you threw out the woman he loves out of his house in the middle of the night, you really a heartless"

Sean's mother looked at her husband with intimidating eyes and said "If I was heartless I would not have fallen for your empty charms " after which she switched off the lights and went to sleep.

Leaving her husband in the dark and angry.

Although she pretended to be asleep, she felt a little nervous about what she had done.

She had expected Irene to put up a fight and refuse to leave, but surprising her she even packed her things quietly and left.

She only wanted to see her reaction but Irene had Immediately turned it into something else.

Would her son be angry with her if he found out what had happened ? she wondered. He always had a temper like hers which made her more anxious.

"That woman was really something, who would allow being thrown out of her boyfriend's house in the middle of the night, was she crazy ?" she thought about it until her head hurt.

"I should call my son first before that woman calls him first " She got up from the bed and left the bedroom with her phone.

She dialed his number but it didn't get through, she tried a couple of times but still didn't get him. Giving up she decided to call him in the morning.

Arthur had been hiding his friend's phone to prevent him from picking up his mother's calls.

He came back exhausted that he fell asleep the moment his head touched his pillow.

Arthur stared down at his phone that had stopped ringing. He came back inside the room and watched him sleep. . He had finally got someone he loved just like him, but his mother was planning on messing it up.

They had been on hard, lonely, and disgusting paths that having got such amazing women to love and cherish them was considered a miracle for them. He had been through a lot with Rose that it made them even closer, Sean had to fight for his love if he wanted anything good in his life.

Arthur decided to tell him the next day so that they would solve it sooner.