" Am back " .

Rose arrived home late and exhausted, she checked on the baby then took a shower. She had dinner in the study while completing her work from the office.

Even when her eyes begged her to close, Rose persistent and continued to work. When she was done, she dragged her tired body to bed.

Arthur was soon coming back so she had to complete all the necessary documents before he returned.

She fell asleep thinking about him.

Arthur arrived home late in the night, he had tried to wait the next day but could not. After telling Sean what had transpired back at home, he boarded the next plane and left him behind.

Arthur soon followed him with their luggage.

Dorothy woke up from the noise and welcomed him back home.

He slowly walked up the stairs into their son's room. Arthur was sleeping soundly, he pulled up his son's covers and left the room.

When he opened their bedroom door, Rose was crawled up in bed sleeping. She looked exhausted with dark bags under her eyes.

He pulled off his coat, shoes, and tie and laid beside her. The moment he did, she turned and hugged him. Burying her body deep into his arms. Arthur smiled and wrapped her deeper unto his warm embrace.

Rose always had the same habit whenever Arthur came in bed. It had developed with time becoming part of her routine in bed.

Arthur loved it since he always enjoyed having her in his arms.

He had called Sean when he landed, but he didn't pick up, maybe he was still angry with Arthur for keeping the truth from him.

Arthur hoped he could fix his problems before he lost Irene. He fell asleep next to his Rose.

Sean drove his car and headed to Irene's home. He remember the last time he had come to her home. He had helped her pack her belongings to his home so they could stay together.

Now his mother had wasted all the effort he had used to bring her to stay with him.

He jumped out of his car and rushed to her door. He knocked several times but no one answered making him more anxious.

Sean tried her number, he had it ring inside but she didn't pick up. He knocked again, this time the door opened.

She stood in the doorway, she looked like she had been sleeping.

She froze when her eyes met his. Irene had not expected to see him here at that hour.

"Love, am back," he said.

She had been telling Rose and herself that she was okay. But when she saw his face all her hidden emotions came out. The pain of being sick without him there, his mother treating her like trash and throwing her out of their home in the middle of the night, slapping her and shaming her at her shop. She had controlled all the pain but now tears formed in her eyes.

Sean saw her start crying which made him even more furious at his mother.

The woman he loved was treated like nothing and hurt. He pulled her into his arms, trying to stop her from crying but it made it worse. Irene cried even more.

Sean carried her inside and closed the door. He sat down as he held her. He let her cry out all her pain as he caressed her.

After a while she stopped crying, she voiced " I missed you too " and fell asleep.

Sean carried her into the bedroom and placed her in bed. He lay next to her and falling asleep.

Rose woke up the next day only to realize that someone was sleeping next to her. Her hands were wrapped around his waist. while he held her close to his chest. His scent was familIar, she looked up and saw his fine beautiful face.

His eyes were closed and his breathing was calm. Rose's eyes fell on his lips, how long had she taken without kissing him. She swiftly kissed his lips and hid her head back in his chest.

Arthur's black long lashes fluttered when she did. He had felt something touch his lips briefly waking him up. He opened his eyes and saw her hid her face in his chest.

"Butterfly.." he called her.

Rose didn't answer but buried her head even deeper. Arthur receiving no reply moved his hand across her back. She giggled but still didn't move.

Arthur moved further to her buttocks, when he tried to pull up her nightdress so he could touch her bare skin, she looked up.

He was wearing a smile when she met his eyes.

The moment she looked up Arthur lowered his head and kissed her.

It was like having hot cocoa in winter. She wanted more of his lips that she pulled him more closer to get them in full. Arthur granted her wish, kissing her senseless. Rose was so lost in the moment that she bit his lips.

He felt the painful sting on his lips but didn't stop kissing her. Rose stopped when the taste of blood hit her taste buds.

Rose pulled away checking his lips, " Am sorry I always do this but why didn't you stop me when you feel the pain "

"Why would I stop you when I love it, " Arthur said as he pushed her down again continuing where they stopped.

They had a knock on the door, Rose pushed Arthur away instantly. Arthur got up and opened the door. He saw Dorothy at the door holding the baby.

When he saw his father, little Arthur started giggled as he pulled away from Dorothy so he could go to his father. Arthur gladly took him into his arms.

"How is my little son doing?" Arthur said as he played with him. He brought him to the bed where Rose was. They ended up playing together.

Irene woke up with a headache. She staggered out of bed but was stopped by Sean on the doorway. He carried her back in bed and covered her.

"Breakfast is almost ready, stay here and wait," he said

"My head hurts," She said.

"Let me get you something for it, just don't leave the bed," he said as he left the room.

Soon he returned with a breakfast tray having breakfast and painkillers.

"Why are you still here, should not you be going home to see your mother?" Irene asked

"My mother can wait, right now I need to look after you " Sean took away the tray after she was done.

He came back to bed and held her closer to him.

"Just let me hold you and go back to sleep " Seam said as he closed his eyes.