Set Up

Rose was trying to learn the new move Nathan had taught her. His friend who was her trainer had left briefly, leaving them alone.

Arthur watched as his wife let herself be touched by another man without him knowing anything about it.

"Can I join you guys?" he asked.

Both Rose and Nathan were startled by his presence.

Rose was more shocked than Nathan. She had hidden it from him worrying he might feel bad about her training with someone he didn't trust.

"Arthur?!... What are you doing here?"

Arthur walked towards them with a smile, he greeted Nathan and his friend who had just come back in the room.

"Nathan why didn't you tell me about training my wife late in the night?" his voice was intimidating but his face held a smile.

Rose felt the tension and answered, " He suggested it before you guys come back from the trip, and when I tried it the first time. I loved it "

"It's must-have skipped my mind, but I was going to tell you. But since it's out in the light, would you care to join us?" Nathan asked.

Arthur knew he was provoking him but he didn't mind, " I would but my wife has to leave now, our son seems to have a slight fever and needs his mother "

Rise hearing his statement immediately got anxious, she picked her things and left with Arthur without question.

Arthur had a slight smirk on his lips as he walked away with Rose, hand in hand with her.

Nathan knew what he meant by it but had nothing to do. She was married to him and loved him that she had blindly believed his lie in front of them.

Sometimes he wondered, was Rose naive, innocent, or playing dumb. She always seemed to attract things that hurt her in the end.

Arthur hadn't said another word since they left.

Rose knew he was hurt but he just drove in silence without asking her anything.

"Are you mad?" she asked.

"No "

"But you haven't said anything to me since we left that place "

"Because I have nothing to say "

Rose felt his voice full of anger, shooting asking him questions, and sat in silence too.

They arrived home, She went straight to the bathroom and washed up. Arthur asked Dorothy to prepare something for her as he checked in little Arthur.

She came out of the shower wrapped in a gown. Her hair was dripping wet with a blushed face.

Arthur walked into the scene of her trying to dry her hair.

He came closer and helped her.

"Am a bit angry about what you hid, I just want to be apart if anything you do. Am just obsessive over you " he said.

" I know but you had turned me down when I tried to suggest it, but he helped get a trainer and a place I can try something I want "

"Hmm, "

Rose took the dryer from his hair and turned to face him.

"Your my husband which gives you all the right to be obsessed over me. And I won't go there if you don't want me to " she kissed him.

Arthur smiled and kissed her back.

Rose continued to talk and work with Nathan at as normal but had stopped attending her training which put Nathan in a more depressing mood. Whenever he tried to so her, she would turn it down.

His mood lightened up when he got information about Arthur's private port. He seemed to gave a lot of containers that he used often.

He drove his car to the location and broke in with some of his men. They opened the containers he had last visited.

He didn't expect Arthur to be so harsh and bury Victoria in one, but he had to make sure of it.

"Rose could not have married someone so evil," he thought.

He was disappointed when nothing was in it. He thought he could find her this time, but it's was empty without any trace of her ever being there.

He walked out with his head low, feeling even angrier.

"You look disappointed, did you lose something important? a charming voice asked.

Nathan looked up and meet eyes with Arthur who was holding a smile on his lips without it reaching his eyes.

" What are you doing here?" Nathan asked.

Arthur made a confused look as he walked closer to him.

"What do you mean by that, this is one of my possession. Why can't I come when a break-in is reported?"

Nathan wondered how he knew about him coming there. It had been kept a secret between his men and him.

"Did you set me up? "

Arthur chuckled when asked the question.

"Set you up, I can't possibly do that unless I knew about your plans "

Nathan looked around, it was then his eyes recognized the face of the investigator he had just joined in his group. He seemed to be in sync with Arthur's men.

"You're really pathetic and evil if you know what I want then why don't you just give it to me " Nathan shouted.

"I only found out a few days ago that you wanted someone I don't really think is still alive anymore. So I suggested you take back your sorry ass where you come from or I help you disappear " Arthur slowly walked away.

Nathan felt bitterness flow through his body, Arthur knew he was looking for her but still let him suffer trying to find her.

He slowly slipped his hands into his coat before Arthur's men noticed.

Arthur was walking away exposing his back to Nathan and before he knew it, they heard a gunshot.

Arthur felt something hit him in his lower abdomen. He turned around only to see Nathan holding a gun at him.

He felt something warm flow down his lower body, his shirt seemed to be getting wet. Arthur looked down and realized it was his blood flowing out of his body.

"Get him " Arthur shouted at his men before he collapsed to the ground.

His assistant runs to him with some men as the rest chased down Nathan.